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lish adventurers landed many years ago,' and if the spirit of inde- pendance is as active as it is now calculated to be then all the future intercourse will be carried on by Jamaica. It is proposed that this island should send a small force to Santa Martha consisting probably of one thousand men ; it is not however the intention of Miranda to take the least notice of Carthagina, Porto Bello, or any of the fortified towns on the coast, as they are in general unhealthy, but means will be adopted to cut off their supplies by the exertion of the people of the country. The next point from Europe must certainly be Buenos Ayres, and to accomplish this object it will be necessary to have a force of three thou- sand men, because it must be considered that it is really a military opera- tion to which however some facilities may be given by engaging two or three of the South Americans to attend the Expedition, by way of ex- plaining to their countrymen the great object of this undertaking. Then with respect to the Pacifick Ocean, I consider two points of descent as sufficient, one however might suffice but if the other can be accomplished it will have a great effect upon the people to the Southward of Buenos Ayres. I mean in speaking of this which is on the coast of Chili to propose Valpariso, and if the force for that object could either be con- centrated at, or taken from New South Wales, by new levies or otherwise, it would make this proposition perfect. The great force however for the Pacifick which I will propose to come from India and to consist of 4000 Sepoys and a small proportion of Europeans should direct its course to Panama, which is fixed upon as the point of concentration for all our forces, and from this point with the assistance of the ships from India and the Spanish ships that we can procure in the South Sea, communi- cations will be immediately made all along the coast to the Southward as far as Lima, and means of assistance given to the country to establish itself in all the positions which may be thought worthy of attention. On the first view this may appear a very complex undertaking, but I think it may be simplified and brought into a very narrow compass, and certainly the principal point which is Trinidad attended to without the least suspicion. The three regiments may sail from Ireland for the West Indies. The ship to carry out the General and whoever may be Gov- ernor of Trinidad and Commanding Officer of the Navy, rendezvous at Cowes, fitted for foreign service, and if she has an acting captain the whole may be done with the greatest secrecy and Miranda embark for [from] Lymington. An arrangement must be made about the Royal treasures which I think ought to go to the Crown for the expence of the equipment, this however and a variety of other details may be entered into when it is determined to undertake the great national object. And if one confidential person of Government is fixed on to make all the arrangements, with power to apply to each of the officers, I pledge myself that the whole on the most extended scale, shall be ready to sail in fourteen days. If however any reasons of moment should be urged against this plan superior to the probable advantages already described of ' .t the end of 1670, when Morgan's men took Chagre on their way to Panama.