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TJie Society of Dissenters 507

rat Noel Bookseller in New York at the small price of is. 6d. in which the reasons and Grounds of our nonconformity are fully, clearly, and we think unanswerably stated ; and we would recommend it to your society to get a number of them to lend to their Neighbors and Accjuaintance, and thereby make them as diffusively useful as possible ; as we think they will have a Good Tendency to Ground and fix them in their principles. Ordered that a Number of Copies of the said Letter be engrossed be- fore the next Meeting of the Society. Mr. Moderator appoints Tuesday the 21" Instant for the next meet- ing of this Society at this House of David Phillips at six of the Clock in the evening. And Lastly Mr. Peter R. Livingston is elected Moderator for the next Meeting of this Society. At a meeting of the Society according to appointment of the Mod- erator at the House of David Phillips the 21" March 1769. Present Peter R. Livingston Moderator. Messrs. Samuel Loudon William Livingston Alexander M'Dgugall John Broome Peter V. B. Livingston Benjamin Y. Prime . Henry Williams Alexander Robertson Samuel Broome Joseph Hollett William Goforth Jonathan Blake William M'Kinley and John MĀ°Kesson Pursuant to the ii'" general Rule the Minutes of the last preceding Meeting were read. A Majority of the Members of this Society who belong to the Pres- byterian Church under the pastoral charge of the Revd. Messrs. Rodgers and Treat being present to wit Mr. Moderator Messrs. Peter V. B. Living- ston Samuel Broome William Livingston John Broonie,BenjaminY. Prime, Joseph Hollett Alexander McDougall and John McKesson do nominate Doctor Malachi Treat a Gentleman belonging to their particular Church and present him to this Society to be a 4Iember thereof and he is unani- mously received accordingly. Messrs. William McKinley and John Broome introduce Alexander Lime Esq. of Sommerset County in New Jersey as a visiting Friend. The Society receives him accordingly and thanks him for his attendance. Several Copies of the circular Letter of Correspondence being en- grossed and signed brought into the Society were corrected, but there not being a Sufficient Number ordered that Committee of Correspondence do meet here on next Tuesday afternoon at three of the Clock to correct such other engrossed Copies of the said Letter and of the plan of this Society as shall then be ready. Mr. Moderator appoints next Tuesday Evening for the next meeting of this Society at this House of David Phillips at six of the Clock. And Lastly Doctor Benj. Y. Prime is unanimously elected Moderator for the next Meeting of this Society.

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