Tlic Society of Disscn/cis 503
ing Gentlemen were duly elected to form the said Committee viz. Messrs. Peter Van Brugh Livingston Henry Williams, John Morin Scott, William Livingston, David Van Home, Peter R. Livingston, Alexander Mc- Dougall, John Broome and Samuel Loudon. Mr. Moderator ai)points next Tuesday Evening at six of the Clock at this House of David Phillips to be the Time and place for the next Meet- ing of this Society. And Lastly, Mr. Henry Williams is elected Moderator for the next ensuing Meeting of this Society. At a Meeting of the Society pursuant to of the Moderator at the House of David Phillips on Tuesday Evening the Twenty Eighth of February 1769. Present Mr. Hf.xrv ^VILUAMs Moderator. Messrs. Thomas Smith Alexander M'Dougall David Van Horne Alexander Robertson Peter V. B. Livingston Samuel Edmonds Samuel Loudon John Stites W°' GoFORTH Isaac Skillman Samuel William M'Kinley William Livingston Jonathan Blake Francis Van Dycke Robert Boyd and Peter R. Livingston John McKesson Pursuant to the Eleventh general Rule of the Society the Minutes of the last Preceding Meeting were read. A Majority of the Members of this Society who belong to the Pres- byterian Chh. under the pastoral Charge of the Reverend Messrs. Rod- gers and Treat being present to wit Messrs. David Van Horne Peter Van Brugh Livingston Thomas Smith Samuel Broome W^illiam Livingston Peter R. Livingston Alexander McDougall and John McKesson do nomi- nate Doctor Benjamin Y Prime a Gentleman belonging to their particu- lar Church and present him to this Society to be a member thereof and he is unanimously received accordingly. Mr. iNIoderator appoints next Monday Evening for the next meeting of this Society at this House of Mr. Phillips at six of the Clock in the Even- ing. And lastly Mr. David Van Horne is elected Moderator for the next Meeting of this Society. At a IMeeting of the Society according to the Adjournment of the Moderator at the House of David Phillips on Monday the Sixth of March 1769. Present Mr. David Van Horne Moderator. Messrs. Henry Williams William Livingston Alexr. M'Dougall Peter R. Livingston William Neilson Isaac Skillman Joseph Hollett William Goforth