502 Docinncnts
Present William Livingston Esquire Moderator. Messrs. Henry Williams Robert Bo yd Samuel Broome Francis Van Dyck Peter Van Brugh Livingston AVilliam M°Kinley Alexander M'Dougall William Goforth Samuel Louden Samuel Edmonds John Morin Scott John Broome and William Neilson John McKesson According to the Eleventh general Rule of the Society the proceed- ings of the last Meeting were read. A Majority of the Members of this Society who belong to the Pres- byterian Church under the pastoral Charge of the Reverend Messrs. Rodgers and Treat being present to wit Mr. Moderator, Messrs. Peter Van Brugh Livingston, John Broome, John Morin Scott Ale.xander McDougall William Neilson Samuel Broome and John McKesson do nominate Messrs. David Van Home and Peter R. Livingston two Gen- tlemen belonging to their particular Church and present them to this Society to be Members thereof and they are unanimously received accord- ingly. . the Members of this Society who belong to the Baptist Church under the pastoral charge of the Revd. Mr: being present to wit Messrs. Henry .Williams, Samuel Edmonds Francis Van Dyck and Wil- liam Goforth do nominate Messrs. John Stites, Isaac Skillman and Wil- liam Lawson three Gentlemen belonging to their particular Church and present them to this Society to be members thereof and they are unani- mously received accordingly; which Gentlemen compleat the Number of Members allotted to that Church by the fourth general Rule of this Society. A Majority of the Members of this Society who belong to the pres- byterian Church under the pastoral Charge of the Reverend Mr. Mason being present, to wit Messrs. Samuel Loudon Robert Boyd and William M'Kinley do nominate Mr. Alexander Robertson a Gentleman belonging to their particular Church and present him to this Society to be a Member thereof and he is unanimously received accordingly which Gentleman completes the Number of Members allotted to that Church by the fourth general Rule of this Society. The Society Agree that nine of their Members be appointed a Com- mittee for Correspondence to bring in a Draft or Drafts of Letter or Letters to be laid before this Society, as soon as the said Committee shall have such Draft or Drafts as they shall think proper prepared for that purpose ; And that any Gentleman who is Moderator for the Time being by reason of the short duration of his Office may be appointed a Member of any Standing Committee ; And that the said Committee for Corres- pondence shall be Elected by Ballot and shall be and remain a Standing Committee for one year. The Society then proceeded to elect by Ballot nine of their Members to be a Standing Committee for Correspondencies whereupon the follow-