4o6 Notes and News
Noteworthy articles in periodicals : G. Kohfeldt, Zur Geschichte der Biichersammlungen iind des Biicherbesitzei in Deutschland (Zeitschrift fiir Kulturgeschichte, VII. 5-6); J. von Pflugk-Harttung, Ludwig der Baier in seinem Streite mit der romischen Kurie (Zeitschrift fiir Kirchenge- schichte, XXI. 2); M. Laux, Ueber den Ursprung der Landsknechie (Zeitschrift fiir Kulturgeschichte, VIII. 1); W. Clasen, Die Politik der schweizerischen Bauer zur Zeit Zwinglis (Zeitschrift fiir Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte, Erganzungsheft 4). AMERICA On October 3, the centennial anniversary of the birth of George Bancroft was celebrated at Worcester, Mass., by the Worcester Society of Antiquity and other organizations. A stone block with a bronze tablet marking the site of his birthplace was dedicated. An address was deliv- ered by Gen. James Grant Wilson of New York. This, and the other proceedings, will be printed in the Proceedings of the society named. Mr. J. N. Larned's Annotated Bibliography of American History is now in the press. The Council of the American . tiquarian Society has appropriated money for the preparation and eventual publication of a systematic and detailed Guide to the Materials for American History to be found in the Public Record Office and other public repositories in London — an im- portant enterprise. Students who have worked among the American papers of the Public Record Office and the British Museum are invited to send suggestions as to the details of such a guide to the managing editor of this journal. In the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society at its meet- ing of April 25, 1900 (XIII. 3), Mr. S. S. Green gives a full and inter- esting history of the Craigie House at Cambridge ; Dr. Alexander Gra- ham Bell a paper on Francis Green and early efforts toward the instruction of the deaf in America ; Mr. George E. Francis on the Tory Dr. William Paine ; Mr. G. P. Winship on John and Sebastian Cabot ; Dr. C. L. Nichols on Isaiah Thomas ; and Mr. Lucieri Carr on the Mascoutins. Mr. R. N. Toppan completes his print of the records of Andros and his council. No. 7 of the Johns Hopkins University Studies, Eighteenth Series, is an essay on the Constitution and Admission of Iowa into the Union, by Professor James Alton James of Northwestern University. An introduc- tory study was published by Professor James in the Report of the American Historical Association for 1897. In Nos. 8-9 Dr. Herbert B. Adams has published a study of the Church and Popular Education, investigating the workings of the churches as educational institutions, especially in Baltimore. Messrs. D. Appleton and Co. have published The Transit of Civiliza- tion from England to America in the Seventeenth Century, by Dr. Edward