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Germany, Austria, Sivitzcr/and

GERMANY, AUSTRIA, S"WITZERLAND. Beginning with the new year, Mr. Felix Dietrich (Leipzig) will issue annual volumes of a Bihliogral^hie der detttschen Recensionen, edited by Mr. I,. Jellinek as a supplement to the Bibliographie der Zeitschrijten- Literatur. The purpose is to furnish a list of book-reviews that have ap- peared during the year in about a thousand scientific and technical jour- nals of Germany. In the Historische Zeitsch-ift, LXXXVI. 3, Professor Georg von Below prints a long article on theories of the economic development of nations, with especial reference to the economics of German cities in the Middle Ages. The plans of the Prussian patriots for a rising in the sum- mer of 1808 are illustrated by some unprinted memorials of Gneisenau and Scharnhorst. A considerable portion of Gneisenau' s correspondence has lately been published at the instance of his present representatives under the title Aiis der Zeit der Noth, 1806 /'is iSij, Sclnlderungen der preussischen Geschichte (Berlin, Mittler, pp. 390). The Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy intends shortly to bring out the first volume of the correspondence of Conrad Celtis, the third of that of the elector Johann Casimir, the third of the chronicles of Liibeck (continuations of Detmar and Rufus), the writings of Andreas of Ratisbon, and the chronicle of Ulrich Fueterer. Among the announcements for the Leipzigcr Stiidien aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte we notice a treatise by Dr. Hashagen on " Otto von Frei- sing als Geschichtsphilosoph und Kirchenpolitiker. " Professor Aloys Schulte of Breslau has brought out, in two volumes (Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot, pp. 742, 358) a Geschichte des viittel- alterlichen Handels und Verkehrs zwischen Westdeiitschland und Ita/ien, mit Ausschluss von Venedig. The second volume consists of docu- ments, 45 1 in number. This is one of the publications planned by the Historical Commission of Baden. Vol. IL of the new series of Hansische Geschichtsquellcn is devoted to Die Liibecker Bergcnfahrer uiid ihre Chronistik, set forth by Dr. Fried- rich Bruns. In Steinhausen's Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichtc, No. 6 is a treatise on Der Bauer in der deutschen Vergangenheit (Leipzig, Died- erichs, pp. 143), with 168 illustrations derived from originals of the fif- teenth and subsequent centuries. Vol. LXXV. of the Puhlikationen aus den k. preussischen Staatsar- chiven, edited by Paul Bailleu, is a collection of the correspondence of Frederick William III. and Queen Louise with the Czar Alexander I. Messrs. Harper and Brothers have in preparation a translation of Bis- marck's letters to his wife, which extend from a date some years prior to 1847, the date of his marriage, to 1892.

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