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404 Notes mid News

ITALY, SPAIN. Hoepli of Milan has undertaken to produce, in a series of volumes, a history of Italy, which shall be scientific in spirit while popular in form. The most recent of these volumes is Le Invasione Barhariche in Italia, by Professor Pasquale Villari, giving an account of the fall of the Western Empire, and proceeding to the coronation of Charlemagne in 800. The Rule?-s of the South ; Sicily, Calabria, Malta, in two volumes, by F. Marion Crawford (The Macmillan Co.) is a companion work to the author's Ave Roma Immortalis, and deals in a similar manner with his- tory and legends. The Archivio delta R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria contains an "Iter Italicum " of Arnold von Buchell, 1565-1645, a document of great interest for the topography of Rome in the sixteenth century, pre- served at Utrecht. It bears date 15S7. Dr. P. Fedele presents the first part of a series of documents of Santa Maria Nova, 982-1100. The documents of the monastery of San Silvestro de Capite, and those pub- lished by Tomassetti on the Campagna are continued. The society has in preparation an edition of the Liber Hystorianan Romaiiarum and Vol. I. (Vols. II. -V. having already been published) of the Regesto di Farfa. Part II. of Dr. R. V)3y&'~,o}ri % Forschungen zur Geschichte von Florenz (Berlin, Mittler, pp. 352) consists of a calendar, with some papers re- produced in full, of documents of San Gemignano dating from 13 18 to 1341. Dr. Max Immich's jP(?/j-/ Itniocenz XI., i6j6-l68g: Beitragezur Ge- schichte seiner Politik und zur Char-akteristik seiner Personlichkeit (Berlin, Speyer und Peters), continues his study of that pope's diplomacy, al- ready mentioned in these pages, by an endeavor to account for his policy. In the Revue Historique for September Don Rafael Altamira gives a summary review of Spanish historical publications, both books and ar- ticles, of the years 1897 and 1898. Messrs. Lea Brothers and Co. (Philadelphia) will publish shortly The Moriscos of Spain, Their Conversion and Expulsion, by Henry Charles Lea, LL.D. The author has used documents from the Spanish archives, and purposes to give a connected account of the vicissitudes of this re- markable people. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : J. Schnitzer, Zur Geschichte der Sklaverei zu Florenz im fiinfzehnten Jahrhundert (Roniische Quartal- schrift, XIV. 1-2); J. Schnitzer, Zur Geschichte Alexanders VI. (His- torisches Jahrbuch, 1900, i ); Sulla Via de Roma ; Da Aspromortte a Men- tana ; Documejiti Inediti (Nuova Antologia, June 15); H. Leonardon, Prim et la Candidature Hohettzollern (Revue Historique, November); A. R. Whiteway, Customs of the Western Pyrenees (English Historical Re- view, October).

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