402 Notes and A^ews
Ladysmith: The Diary of a Siege, by H. W. Nevinson (New York, New Amsterdam Book Co. ), appeared originally in the form of letters to the London Daily Chronicle, for which Mr. Nevinson acted as special correspondent. Besides dealing with the ii8 days' siege of Ladysmith, the book contains accounts of the engagements immediately preceding. Messrs. William Blackwood and Sons announce A History of Rhode- sia, compiled from Official Sources, >y Wov2,x(l Hensman. The book was planned and the greater part written before the Boer war, but chapters dealing with the sieges of Kimberley and Mafeking, and the movements of Colonel Plumer's Rhodesian force, have been added. The Story of Egypt, by W. Basil Worsfold ("Story of the Empire Series," London, Horace Marshall and Son), not only deals with the his- tory of the country, but has supplementary chapters upon justice, educa- tion, and industrial progress in the Sudan. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : J- H. Round, Colchester and the Commonwealth (English Historical Review, October); B. Williams, TIic Foreign Policy of England under Walpole, . (ibid.); A. T. Mahan, Nel- son at Naples (ibid.). We call attention again to the Biblotheque des Bibliographies Criti- ques which the Societe des Etudes Historiques is publishing. These useful pamphlets range in size from seven or eight pages ("La Prise de la Bastille") to twenty-seven (" Histoire de ITndustrieen France avant 1789" and "La Guerre de 1870-1871") or more. Ten have been published already. Among those promised are lists for each period of French history, for many of the provinces and towns of France, etc. M. Felix Alcan announces a new volume in the Recueil des Instruc- tions donnees aux Ambassadeurs, namely, a volume for Prussia, by M. A. Waddington ; and Vol. IV. of M. Zevort's Histoire de la Troisieme Re- publique, dealing with the period of President Carnot. Professor Imbart de la Tour of Bordeaux has reprinted in a volume (Paris, Picard) the excellent series of articles on Les Parol sses Ru rales dti IV' au XI' Siccle which he contributed to the Revue Hlstorique in 1896-1898. Vol. XLVIIL of the Bulletin de la Societe Archeologigue du Limousin consists of two cartularies, edited by M. de Senneville, the one belong- ing to the priory of Aureil, the other to that of L'Artige, and both pre- senting many features of interest. A cartulary of a rarer type, that of a lay seigniory, that of the Sires de Rays, edited by M. Rene Blanchard, is completed by the publication of its second volume, as Vol. XXX. of the Archives Historiques du Poitou. Two thorough and valuable monographs in the constitutional history of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are 1L O. Morel's Z(7 Grande