Great Britain 399
The Hakluyt Society have just published the Voyage of Captain John Saris to Japan, 1 61 3, edited by Sir Ernest M. Satow, K.C.M.G., form- erly envoy extraordinary in Japan and now in China. The chief con- tents of the book is a journal of Saris's voyage from Bantam to Japan in 1613 and of his stay in Japan, printed from the manuscript in the India Office Records. It also contains a trade report of his, written during his residence at Bantam, 1605—1609, a letter which he wrote at the Cape on his return, and his final report to the East India Company, written at Plymouth. Dr. Hans Schlitter, archivist at Vienna, after publishing many of the necessary documents in his Briefe und Denlischriften zur Vorgeschiciite iter belgischen Revolution (Vienna, Holzhausen, pp. 125), has now brought out through the same house the first part of a highly important work on Die Regierung Josefs II. in den osterreichischen Niederlanden. The present part extends to the recall of Count Murray (pp. 298). Dr. Hermann Hiiffer, in his series of Quellen zur Geschiclite des Zeital- ters der franzdsischen Revolution, derived from various Viennese archives, has published the first part of a vblume of documents on the battle of Marengo and the Italian campaign of iSoo (Leipzig, B. G. Teubner). Perhaps no more important contribution to the diplomatic history of the Napoleonic period has appeared during the past year than Professor August Fournier's Z'ifr Kongress von Chatillon ; Die Politik im Kriege von 1814 (Vienna and Prag, Tempsky, pp. 397), based on extensive archive studies in several countries. The November number of the Revue Historique contains a summary review of the Rumanian historical publications of the years 1894-98, by D. A. Teodoru and A. D. Xenopol, continued from the preceding num- ber and concluded. Messrs. Gibbings and Co. will publish a new edition of A Sliort His- tory of China, by Demetrius Charles Boulger, containing an additional chapter upon the history from 1890 to the present time, by a writer whose name is not stated. Methuen and Co. publish a careful handbook on China, by Mr. J. Robertson-Scott, entitled Tlie People of China : Tiieir Country, History, Life, Ideas, and Relations to the Foreigner. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: C. Saglio, L' Agonie des Ming; episode de P Histoire de Chine (Revue Historique, September) ; K. T. Heigel, .Zur Geschiclite des Rastatter Gesandtenmordes am 28. April i-jgg (Historische Vierteljahrschrift, III. 4) ; E. Thouvenel, La Ques- tion Romaine en 1862 (Revue de Paris, July i). GREAT BRITAIN. The council of the Royal Historical Society have issued a circular calling attention to the desirability of forming a School of Advanced His- torical Studies in London, in order to provide systematic instruction in