398 Notes and Neivs
EARLY CHURCH HISTORY. In Les Moines if Orient anterieurs an Cone He de Chalchioine (Paris, Oudin) Dom J. M. Besse considers the history of Eastern monachism chiefly from the standpoint of a student of the origins of the Benedic- tine rule. The second vokime of .-^bbe Duchesne's Pastes Episcopaux de I'An- cienne Gaule (Paris, Fontemoing, pp. 485) comprises the two Aqui- tanias, Novempopulania, and the four Lugdunensian provinces, fifty-eight dioceses in all. A third volume will finish this monumental work. Liscriptionum Hispaniae Christianarum Supplementum, by Dr. Emil Hiibner, has been published at Berlin by G. Reimer (pp. 162). MEDIEVAL HISTORY. A new edition of Professor Edwin A. Grosvenor's Cotistantinople is published by Little, Brown and Co. Except for one or two slight ver- bal alterations the text is in all respects identical with that of the first edition of 1895. The greater part of Tom. XIX., fasc. 2, of the Analecta Bollan- diana is devoted to a detailed critical examination of the Franciscan " Legenda Trium Sociorum," which the investigator believes to be, not what it claims to be, but a composition of the latter part of the thirteenth century. Fasc. 3 has an article on Julian of Speyer, another of the bio- graphers of St. Francis ; also the Greek legend of St. Alexis, the Greek acts of St. Dometius, and a critical account by Father Paul de Loe of the sources for the biography of Albertus Magnus, whose life the Bollandists will treat under November 15. Both numbers are accompanied by in- stallments of a supplement to Abbe Ulysse Chevalier's Repertorium Hymnologiaun . Of Blume and Dreves's Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi, Vols. XXXV. and XXXVI., just published (Leipzig, O. R. Reisland) contain a col- lection of rhymed psalters, with some similar documents. The Cambridge University Press are publishing a translation from the German, by Professor Maitland, of Dr. Otto Gierke's work on Political Theories of i/ie Middle Age. A revised edition of Sir Henry Yule's Marco Polo will be brought out by Mr. John Murray, edited by Professor Henri Cordier, with a memoir of Colonel Yule. Mr. Murray also announces the second volume of Mr. C. Raymond Beazley's Dawn of Modern Geography. MODERN HISTORY. Students of the Reformation should be notified of Dr. A. Erichson's Bihliographia Calviniana, announced by C. A. Schwetke and Son of Berlin.