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Ancient Histor

397 A series of Hisloriia! I.e-aflfts, containing reprints or translations of documentary material for church history, will be issued by the depart- ment of church history in the Crozer Theological Seminary, at Chester, Penn. For the year 1901 such documents have been chosen as relate to the Reformation period. On December 12 the centennial celebration of the establishment of the seat of government in the District of Columbia took place in Vash- ington. Various addresses were made, including one upon the transfer of the capital from Philadelphia to Washington. In this connection men- tion may be made of The Removal of the Seat of Government to the Dis- trict of Columbia, two papers read before the District of Columbia His- torical Society by Mr. Wilhelmus B. Bryan and Mr. Samuel C. Busey (Fifty-sixth Congress, first session, Senate Document No. 62). The Macmillan Co. will publish shortly in the "Citizens' Library of Economics, Politics and Sociology," Colonial Government by Pro- fessor Paul S. Reinsch. The book will treat of the methods of coloniza- tion, the forms of colonial government, the relations between colonies and the mother-country, and the special colonial problems of the United States. ANCIENT HISTORY. Early Babylonian History down to the End of the Fourth Dynasty of Ur, by Rev. Hugo Radau, is an expansion of a dissertation for the doctor's degree in Columbia University, in 1898. An appendix of 123 pages is devoted to a description and discussion of a valuable collection of Babylonian tablets (some 262 in all) which have been recently acquired by the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in New York. The Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund for Oc- tober contains the announcement of the resignation of Dr. F. J. Bliss, so long the Director of Excavations, on account of ill-health. His report contained in this number covers the excavations just concluded at Tell Sandahannah (St. Anna). A Seleucidan city was laid bare at this place. The Israelite remains underneath this city were touched only at one point, owing to the expiration of the period of excavation. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : L. Goldschmied, Die Chronol- ogie des Buches von den Konigen (Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgenland- ischen Gesellschaft, LIV. i) ; R. D. Wilson, Ecclesiasticus {Yx&€by.t.xz.Xi and Reformed Review, July) ; U. Kohler, Der thukydideische Bericht iiber die oligarchische Unu'iilzung in Athen im Jahre 411 (Sitzungsberichte der k. pr. Akademie zu Berlin, July); E. Pais, Saxum Tarpeium ; Osserva- zioni Topographiche e Giuridiche {^v=>.3. di Storia Antica, V. i); L. Cantarelli, Origine e Governo delle Provincie Africane sotto F Impero (ibid.).

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