< Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu
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396 N'otes and News

Superintendent of Public Schools in Cleveland, and he was at the time of his death Professor of the Science and Art of Teaching at the Uni- versity of Michigan. He edited the Life and JVorks 0/ James A. Gar- field, and wrote several books dealing with the early history of Chris- tianity, as well as The Old Northwest, and a work upon the teaching of history. General William S. Stryker, president of the New Jersey Historical Society and adjutant-general of the State of New Jersey, died on October 29, at the age of sixty-two. Beside compilations of the officers and men of the Revolutionary and civil wars, he wrote a volume on The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, published in 1898. Lieut. -Colonel Max Jahns, author of the well-known Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften and of a life of Moltke yet to be published, died at Berlin on September 19, at the age of sixty-three. Professor J. F. Jameson of Brown University, managing editor of this review, is to become head of the department of history at the Uni - versity of Chicago, but will retain his connection with the journal until the issue of the July number, and may, up to that time, be addressed as usual at 196 Bowen Street, Providence. Rev. Dr. John Gordon has been elected professor of history in Tabor College, Iowa. The Revue de Synthese Historique, a new journal published in Paris by Leopold Cerf, of which the first number has lately appeared, will en- deavor to present, from time to time, summary reviews or conspectuses of the existing state of historical study, now in one field now in another, showing what is done and what is yet to do. While avoiding what is vague and arbitrary, it will essay to keep different parts and aspects of history in relation with each other, and in relation with allied sciences, and to counteract the tendency toward extreme specialization. The first number contains an article on " Histoire et Synthese," by M. Emile Bou- troux ; an introduction to the study of the individual regions of France, by M. Pierre Foncin ; an article on historical methods in Germany, by Professor Karl Lamprecht ; and one on " La Science de 1' Histoire d'apres 1L Xenopol," by M. Paul Lacombe. An English translation of Professor Helmolt's Wcltgeschichte will shortly be published by Dodd, Mead and Co. Economics and Industrial History for Secondary Schools, by Henry W. Thurston (Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Co.) would seem to be a teacher's manual which attempts to apply the " laboratory " method to the study of economic and industrial problems. The inaugural address delivered at the conference of the International Law Association, at Rouen, by Judge Simeon E. Baldwin, of New Haven, upon " The Part taken by Courts of Justice in the Development of In- ternational Law," has been published in the Yale Law Journal iax No- vember.

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