340 Documents
7. Lord's day. Pch'd all day at O. Brick ; (D' Chauncy unwell and not come to Town) to a large Assembly especially p. m. when I deliver' d Occasional Sermon, have not pch'd in Boston before since lo"" of last April, slept at home; Horse at M' Storer's. 8. Monday. M" C. Nabby and I invited to dine at Capt Erving's and M' Storer's. They excus'd themselves. I din'd at Cap't Erving's: Pray' d p. m. in King's Chappel over D" Warren's Corpse, bro't f'm Charlestown by free Masons to be reinterr'd. a vast Concourse.' M' Morton' deliver'd Funeral Eulogium. slept at home. Horse at D. Storer's. p. Tuesday. We all din'd at home. Slept Horse for first Time at Mrs Turell's. D. Smith bro't me 25^ O. Ten! Sabbath's Contrib. 10. I din'd at D' Bulfinch's with Parson Parker M' Timmin's &c. M'" [C] Carried Nabby, my H : and ch to Watertown. she slept at M" Hall's. M" Cooper return'd. we slept at home. H. at M' Turell's. 11. We din'd at home. Nabby still at M' Halls. Horse at M' Turell's. 12. Friday. We din'd at home. H : at M' T. 13 April. Saturday. I went my H : ch. to bring Nabby f'm A'ater- town. we din'd at Mr. Hall's, came home p. m. slept at home. H, at m: T. 14. Lord' s day. pch'd all day at O. Brick. D' Chauncy not come to Town. Large Assemblies. 75. Mo?iday. Din'd at home. Deacon Newell bro't me yester- day's Contribution — -18 ^ O. Ten'. Slept at home. H. at Mr Turell's. 16. Rainy, din'd at home. Slept. Horse at M' T. 77. Wednesday. Went with M" C. (my H: and ch) to Waltham ; din'd in our Way at M' Dennie's little Cambridg. slept at Mr. Clark's. Horse on my own Hay there. 18. Thursday. Left Mr Clark's after Breakfast, din'd at Deacon P'isk's. came home. Sally Chardon drank Tea with us. H. at M' Turells ig. Din'd at home, slept and H. at M'" T. 20. Din'd with M' Boyer at old Mr Johonnot's. M at M' T. 21. Lord' s day. Exchang'd Mr Lothrop (D" Pemberton's House)' a. m. pch'd at O Brick p. m. Sally Chardon din'd and slept with us. Deacon Jeffries and M' W" Newman supp'd with us. H. at Mr T. 22. Monday. Deacon Newell bro't yesterday's Contribution. i?>jQ O. T. Sally Chardon din'd and slept with us. H. at M' T. 2J. Tuesday. Went with Mrs C. a. m. to Watertown Corporation and Overseer's Meeting. I din'd with Corporation at Learned's Tavern. Instructors of College gave in a written Declaration to the ' See Diary of John Rowe, /. c, p. 99. •Perez Morton, from 1810 to 1832 attorney-genaral of Massachusetts. ^The Old North Meeting-house (the church of the Mathers), over which the Rev. John Lathrop was settled, had been "pulled down by order of Gen'. Howe for fuel for the Refugees and Tories". — Journal of Timothy Newell, /. c, p. 271.