Diary of Sanmcl Cooper 337
12. Tues. We din'd at home, went with Br Cooper his H. and ch. p. m. to Watertown. M" C. (my H : and ch) to Mrs Turell's. drank Coffee there. Slept and H : at home. /J. IVedn. Went (my H : and ch) to Wellmans. My Horse fore Shoes sat. paid him. On Return home found Nabby from Braintree with M' Blanchard : after being absent 3. Weeks and 5 days . . B'. Lathrop f'm Providence din'd with us. went p. m. (my H. and ch) to Water- town, paid Whitney 10/. O. Ten' for mending Harness, slept and H. at home. Receiv'd late M' Hunts Sermons by his Brother with Letter f m Br Hooker. 14. Thursday. We din'd at home. I went p. m. my H. and ch to Watertown. slept and H : at home, no Cannonading for Several Nights, further Accts of British Troops preparing to leave Boston. /J. I went to Watertown a. m. (my H : and ch) Col. Johonnot return' d and din'd with us, on a Haddock, purchas'd by me. Hay f'm Hagar this morn". W.'- paid M' Korey this Evg. for keeping my Horse this Week past, 30/. O. Ten' and for Meal ditto, slept and H. at home. 16. Sat. M' Sergeant fm Stock-bridge visited me a. m. D. ' Witherspoon's eldest Son (with M' Pidgeon Jun') bro't me a Letter f'm his Father. We din'd at home without any Company. I went p. m. to Watertown (my H : and ch). M' Korey bro't me a Letter f'm Post Office Cambridge, paid him 10/. O. Ten.' Postage. 77. March. Lord' s day. Went with Nabby (my H : and ch) to Watertown. M" C. at home unwell, pch'd there all day. We din'd at D. Fisk's. saw D. Newell after Service p. m. at M' Hall's Watertown. He gave us an Acc't f'm Boston that the British Army had left it, ' of the great Plunder on the House Furniture and Goods of the Inhabi- tants ; and of my own in particular, slept and Horse at home. 18. Monday. Carried Nabby (my H: and ch) to Watertown M" Cockran's She din'd there, return'd and went with M" C. to Frating- ham's for mending Chaise. He not at home, went to D. Fisk's. I din'd there, M" C. ate no Dinner, unwell. Return'd home took Nabby with us slept and H: at home. i<). Tuesday. Nabby and M" C. went (my H: and ch) to Boston. Carried to D' Bulfinch q' Veal, 2"" Butter 2 Doz Eggs, to Glasgow Gallon of Milk and some Indian Meal. They saw D' B. Children, He and his Wife having gone to Braintree. They visited our House, found it robb'd of a great Part of my Furniture. They return'd home. I walk'd to M' Payne's a. m. and to Watertown p. m. slept and H. at home. 20. Wed. Mrs C. went alone (my H: and ch) to Boston saw D B. and Wife, visited Friends and our House. Bro't me a Pint Bottle red Lavendar and 2 Bottles of English Ale f'm Molly and Betty Minot. M' Scott and Serv't Dick din'd with me at M Clark's, went p. m. with M' Scott to Watertown in his Chaise, walk'd home, slept and H. at home. 1 Diary of John Tudor, p. 62.