Diary of Sainitel Cooper 333
Court for Reformation of Manners in afternoon Sermon; adapted to that Occasion, made Mention of M" Pitt's Death at Close. We all din'd D. Fisk's. Nabby drank Coffee at M' Hall's. Mr Cook return'd with her and supt with us. slept and H : at home. J. Feby. Monday. M'" C. went (my H : and ch) to Roxbury. Nabby and I din'd at home. M' Kendall who had been one of D' Wheelock's' Missionaries din'd with me. Slept and H. at home. 6. Tuesday. Went with M" C. (my H : and ch) to Watertown. I pray'd with Bemiss Sons sick. We all din'd at home. Mrs Dennie and Katy Bulfinch din'd with us. M' Tommy Dennie came p. m. they all drank Coffee and supp'd with us. D' Roberts spent an Hour with us in Evg. slept and H. at home. Capt Freeman sent us a Peck Beans, gave them to Miss Sally. 7. Wednesday. W C went (my H : and ch) to Watertown a. m. we all din'd at home. Nabby went with me in the chaise p. m with me to Watertown. M™ Cockran's. She drank Tea there, return'd with me at Sunset, slept, and H. at home. 8. Thursday. Light Snow. I went (my H : ch) to Watertown. din'd at Deacon Fisk's ; with Mr. Thacher. pray'd at Funeral of Mr. Learned. visited Mrs. Daws, pray'd with her, and Bemiss Family. M" C. and Nabby at home all day. slept and H. at home. p. Friday. I went my H : and ch, a. m. to visit Sister Cooper unwell. We all din'd at home. I went (my H and ch) to Watertown p. m. slept and H. at home 10. Saturday. We all din'd at home. I went (my H and ch) to Watertown p. m. we all slept and H at home Feby. nth. Lord's day. Went with Nabby my H: and ch. to Water- town. We din'd at D. Fisk's. M™ C. at home. I pch'd all day. bap- tiz'd 1. Jonathan of return'd and drank Coffee, slept and H. at home. 12. Monday. Walk'd to Watertown a. m. We all din'd at home. I carried Nabby (my H : and ch) p. m. to Watertown. She spent Af- ternoon and Evg. at M" Craft's, return'd in Evg. slept and H. at home, pray'd in Forenoon with Capt Brown's Daughter, and Bemiss Family. 13. Tuesday. Went with M" C. to M' Dennies. We din'd there. Nabby at home. M" Washington, Gates, Mifflin call'd and finding us not at home left th'r names. M' Scott breakfasted with us. bro't me a letter f'm M" Scott and Nabby one f'm Sally Chardon. M" Hyslop call'd p. m. Nabby and Sally spent p. m. at Sister Cooper's. M' Buckminster call'd in Evg. with Ribbons &c f'm Capt Freeman, slept and H. at home 14. Wednesday . Mrs. C. went (my H. and ch) to Medford, about Sale of Ribbons. Nabby and I din'd at home. I visited p. m. on Foot M' Payne. M" C. return'd in the Evg. slept and H: at home. Capt Brown sent me 400"' English Hay. 'The Rev. Eleazar Wheelock (Vale Coll., 1733), founder and first president of Dartmouth College.