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to be attack'd by several Ships of War. I visited M' Fatherly again. Din'd at M' John Hunt's, at their Invitation with Col Orne, Palmer, M' Gerry' etc. walk'd home, slept. Sammy with us, and H. at home. 14. Thursday. Went with M" C. (my H and ch) to Watertown. She proceeded to old and little Cambridg to buy Things for Sammy. I din'd at M"Cockran's on a Pig, with M' Faneuil and Lady, and D' Spring.' Nabby and Sammy din'd at home. I walk'd home in Evg. M" C. return' d in chaise. M Blanchard and Pollard call'd in the Evg. slept : and H. at home. M' Cooke presented me a Bottle of Snuff. 75. Friday. M" C. went (my H : and ch) to Weston, din'd at Mr Savages. Nabby took an early Dinner and proceeded with Mr Blanchard in his chaise on a Visit to his Lady and Friends at Braintree. I din'd with Sammy at home, slept and H. at home. 16. M" C. carried little Sammy after Breakfast to Medford. M" Johonnots Lodgings, she din'd โ return' d in Evg. I din'd at home : Went before dinner with M" Turell to Watertown and return' d with her. Slept and H, at home. Nabby at Braintree. jy. Lord's day. Went with M" C. my H : and ch. to Watertown. pch'd there all day. we both din'd at Deacon Fisk's. baptiz'd Joseph โ ofโ Warren of little Cambridg. pray'd after Service p. m. at Funeral of M' Spring's Child. 18. Monday. I walk'd out to Neighbor Hastings and Cuttings we din'd, slept and H at home. Nabby at Braintree. ig. Tuesday. Went with Mrs C. (my Horse and chaise) to Cam- bridg. we waited on General Washington, his Lady Mrs Gates &c. At Head Quarters. Treated with Oranges and a Glass of Wine, invited to dine with them, but e.cus'd ourselves. Went half past one for little Cambridg. Din'd at Mr Dennie's. return'd home in the Evening, slept and H. at home. Nabby still absent. This Day Capt Brown sent me two Hundred W'. of Hay. 20. Wednesday. We din'd at home. I went (my H: and ch. ) to Watertown. slept and H : at home Nabby still absent. 21. Thursday, very cold. We din'd at home. M' Storer call'd upon us p. m. told usof a Vessell f'm England, bro't me a Letter f'm Js. Smith Jun'. slept and H. at home. Froze Urine as well as Water in our Chambers. Nabby still absent. 22. Friday. Mrs C. went (my H : and ch) to M' Fratingham to get the Chaise mended, did not dine at home. I did. she left the Chaise at his Shop : where she went twice. 8. Miles in all. slept and H. at home Nabby absent, very cold. 2J. Still very cold. We din'd at home. I went, p. m. with M' Clark to Watertown in his H ; and ch. went to the Treasurer and Committee of Gen' Court to hasten his Pay for Wood, that he might proceed on a journey to N. York, return'd home, slept and H. at home. Nabby still abroad. ' Elbridge Gerry, the statesman and signer. 2Dr. Marshall Spring (H. C. 1762), a man distinguished in his profession and a Tory. In later years he was a member of the Council of Massachusetts.