Diary of Samuel Cooper 327
6. IVc'Jnfsifay. Went with M" C. (my H and ch) to Cambridg. Went to head Quarters Cambridg. [saw] General Gates. Call'd at Col Mifflins. saw D' Morgan's Lady there, view'd the fine Mortar ' (lately taken) on Cambridg Common. Din'd at Mr Hastings Stuart ; M" C. after having gone to little Cambridg call'd for me, we came to Watertown, I attended and pray'd there at M'" Sangar's Funeral. We went to M' Payne's. Drank Coffee there with Deacon Smith and Lady. D. Storer M' Barrell etc. return' d home about 3 ° Clock, slept and H. there Nabby drank Coffee at M" Durant's. This day received a Billet directed to me from Boston inclosing a Sheet of Paper half printed the other Manuscript, be- ing an Acc't of the Play to be acted at the Opening the Boston Theatre.' General Washington and several General Officers of our Army receiv'd a similar one. This is the Form of an Invitation to attend. It came out by the Lines at Roxbury with a Flag of Truce. 7. Thursday. Went with M" C (my H : and ch) to Deacon Stor- er' s and Mr Barrells Lodgings at M' Harringtons 3 Miles. Din'd with them agreably to their kind Invitation last Evg. saw M' Black from Boston : who gave us an Acc't of the State of Things there, and that they had innoculated not fm Necessity, for only one or two had Small Pox, but as a Battery agst our Army and the Country, slept and H : at home Call'd at M" Turell's as we return'd. 8. Went with Mrs C. and Nabby my H. and ch. to M" Turell's, 2 Miles Din'd there agreably to her kind Invitation last Evg. Mrs. Newell, Payne, Gushing &c. drank Coffee with us there, slept and H : at home. g. Saturday. Went alone (my H: and Ch.) to Watertown a. m. We all din'd at home, and M' James Dennie with us. slept and H. at home. This Day receiv'd fm Parish at Watertown 1000 or 1200"' of Hay. Call'd upon Mrs. Newman p. m. at the Mellicot's.' 10. Lords' day. Went with M" C. and Nabby my H : and ch. to Watertown. we all din'd at Deacon Fisk's. I pch'd there all day. vis- ited after Meeting p. m. M' Fatherly fm Boston sick, we all return'd home slept and H. there. 11 . Monday. We all din'd at home. Went p. m. (my H : and ch.) with M" C. to Sister Cooper's at Deacon Livermore's. 2. Miles. drank Coffee there, slept and H at home. 12. Tuesday, rode alone (my H : and ch) to Watertown. Din'd at M' Hall's Invitation at his House with Speaker Warren, Mr. Lover &c. returned home in Evg. visited by Mr Blanchard and Jonathan Pollard receiv'd a Letter f m M' Johonnot informing me little Sammy was bro't by him to his Lodgings at Medford. slept and H : at home. I J. Wednesday. Went (my H: and ch.) with M" C. and Nabby to Watertown. They proceeded to Medford and din'd with Mrs Johonnot at M' Brook's, bro't Sammy home with them. Col Johonnot marching with Marblehead Regiment to relieve that Place said ' See Diary of Ezekiel Price, /. r. , p. 217, Frothingham, /. /:., p. 270. ^See J/fOT. Hist. Boston, III. 161 ; Timothy Newell's Journal, /. c, p. 271. 'Perhaps MiUiquet.