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Din'd at home. B' Cooper came fm Brewer's Tavern after slight Din- ner and ate Fish with us : Sister Cooper came over after Dinner, and gave us a short Visit, walk'd to M' Payne's Lodgings, slept and H : at home. Nabby still at Mr Dennie's. 26. Sunday, went (my H : and ch.) to Watertown. pch'd there all day : din'd at Deacon Fisk's. slept and H : at home. Nabby still at M' D. 2J. Monday. Deacon Storer and M' Joshua Green call'd upon us this Morn^ They went to the Lines at Roxbury. carried a letter fm M" C. to her Brother. Nabby came home this Forenoon. Slept and H. at home. 28. Tuesday. M' Jonathan Williams call'd and din'd with us I went p. m. to Watertown (my H : and ch) pray'd with the Town of Bos- ton previous to th'r Choice of Representative in Room of D' Church.' John Brown chosen. Col Gerrish gave me a Letter fm Master Moody' respecting Sammy. Slept and H : at home 2g. Wednesday. Went in the Forenoon with Mrs C. (my H and ch to Cambridg. M' Zyphion Tha3^er paid me 26 L.M. Mrs C. din'd at Stuart Hastings. I call'd on M' Leonard, Connecticut Head Quar- ters, went fm thence by Invitation to General Lee's Quarters, din'd with him at Hobgobling Hall.' Took Mrs C. at Cambridg. slept and H. at home. 30. Thursday. Went with M" C. (my H : and ch. ) to the Lines at Roxbury. with D. Storer M' Payne Barrell &c. Mrs C. din'd. I at General Thomas' M' Chases' [?] Invitation with the above Gentlemen, found they had innoculated at Boston small Pox. went p. m. with Mrs. C to Madam Foye's Milton, slept and H. there, called at Sister Gar- diner's. Nabby at Home. 1. Deer. Friday. Came f m Milton in Forenoon. We din'd at Mr Robert Pierpoints. called at Mr Dennies. slept and H : at home. 2. Sat. I made a Visit to M' Payne's a. m. We all din'd at home, went p. m. on Foot to Watertown. slept and H at home. 3. Lord's day. Exchang'd with Mr Gushing. I baptiz'd at Waltham Twins and another Infant. Nabby and I din'd at M' Payne's ; with D. Storer, Barrell and Lady &c. Mrs Cooper confin'd at home : slept and H. there. 4. Went with Nabby (my H and ch) to Watertown. she din'd at Mrs Cochran's : I at M' Hunt's opposite Davis Tavern. I attended Corporation Meeting at Coolidge's. slept and H. home. 5. Tuesday. Attended (my H : and ch) Corporation and Overseer's Meeting at AVatertown. din'd with former at Coolidges. Corporation sat at D' Appleton's Lodgings Watertown. Overseer's adjourn'd to last Tuesday in Feby. next. ' See Washington's Wrilhigs, ed. Sparks, III. 115, 116, 502 et siq. 'Samuel Moody (H. C. 1746), Master of Dummer School. 'General Lee's quarters in the Royall house at Medford, "whose echoing corridors suggested to his fancy the name of Hobgoblin Hall."

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