Diary of Samuel Cooper 323
21. M" C.Nabby and myselfdin'dat M' Clark's, slept and Horse there. 22. LonVs day. Went with M" C. to Watertown. pch'd all day there, din'd at D. Fisk's. returnd to M" Clark's. We and Nabby slept, and Horse there. 2j. M" C. went (my H. and ch) to M' Savages din'd there with M' Bowdoin, John Pitts lSjc. I din'd at Watertown M'" Storer's. Nabby at Russell's, carried there by her Mother. M" C. return'd alone f'm Wes- town. I f'm Watertown. M' Bowdoin and J. Pitts drank Coffee with us at M' Clark's. M'" C. and I slept and Horse there. 24. Tuesday. Went with M" C. to Watertown, Corporation and Overseer's Meeting ; which fail'd by Presidents not coming. I din'd at Fowl's with W Bowdoin &c it being rainy, M" C. went (my H. and ch) to Newtown after Hay. She din'd with Nabby Bulfmch at Durell's. We slept and Horse at M' Clark's. 2J. Nabby and Katy came f'm Westown to M' Clark's a. m. We all din'd there. M" C. went (my H : ch) to M" Cushings. We then sat out for Mr Bennies. M" C. went to Newtown, return'd to M' D. we slept and Horse there. 26. Thursday. I Went (my Horse and ch) to General Washing- ton's to attend D' Franklin, M' Bowdoin, D' Winthrop and Lady, to Middleboro', M' Bowdoin's House, sat out about 2 "Clock. At M' Pierpoint's Roxbury receiv'd M" Cooper bro't there by M" Dennie. We din'd at Col. Quincy's Braintree. slept and Horse there. D' F. M' B. slept there also. D W. and Lady at M' Adam's. 27. sat out f'm Col. Quincy's 9 "Clock in Company with the above nam'd. Din'd at Col Howard's Bridgwater, M' Bowdoin's Expence. reach' d his House Sunset. Spent the Evg most agreably there. Slept and H. there. 28. Saturday. Din'd at M' Bowdoins ; M' Conant added to the Company. Slept and H : there. 2g. Lord's day. D'r Franklin left us 9 "Clock to proceed on his Journey. M' Conant pch'd a.m. and administer' d L. S. we spent Interval at his House, drank Coffee there. I pch'd p.m. return'd with D' W. and Lady, M' Bowdoin &c to his House, slept and H : there. JO. Monday. We, with D' Winthrop and Lady, left our dear Friends M'B. and Family, 9 "Clock, having been entertain'd there in the most engaging Manner. We din'd at Turner's Tavern Braintree. Getting out of my Chaise, turned my Ankle and strain' d it greatly. Spent afternoon and slept at Mr. Clark's Lodgings. Capt Pennyman's. Kindly nurs'd there with my Lameness. Horse at B' Taft's. D' W. and Lady proceeded on their Journey. D' Wales kindly dress'd my Ankle gratis. ji. Tuesday. Came to Madam Foyes. din'd slept and Horse there, kindly nurs'd there. Nancy Jeffries drank Coffee with Nabby at M' Clark's. Novr. I. Wednesday. We came to General Ward's Quarters at M Pierpoints. I din'd there. M C. dind. saw Capt M'pherson.' came to M' Clark's, found Nabby well, slept and Horse there. > Doubtless Duncan McPherson, who two months later fell at Quebec.