Diary of Savnicl Cooper 317
She retum'd to Watertown 6 o Clock. We proceeded to M' Bennies little Cambridg. Slept and Horse there. 13. Lord' s day. I preach' d both Parts of the Day at little Cambridg : M' Bigelow for me at Watertown. We Dined at M' Dennies in Com- pany with Le Corn f'm Statia, Mr W'" Barrell f'm Philadelphia. We supp'd there with the same Company : Slept and Horse there. 14. I Went (Mr Dennies Horse and Chaise) with him to the Lines at Roxbury. saw the Fort &c. call'd upon General Thomas, retum'd and din'd with M" Cooper at his House slept and Horse there. 15. Tuesday. AVent with M" Cooper, my Horse and Chaise, thro Brooklyne to upper Roxbury: call'd at M' Walters: I din'd at Noah Davis' : M" Cooper proceeded to Isaac William's : saw t e Trunks of Apparel], &c. She din'd there : return'd to Brooklyne. slept at M" Hyslop's. kindly entertain'd by her Son David. Horse there. 7(5. Wednesday. Went with M" C. my Horse and chaise to Med- ford. din'd with M' Turell. met Mrs Newell, Payne &c to whom we design' d a Visit, drank Coffee at Col Johonnot's Quarters Cambridg. went to Mr Dennies. slept and Horse there. 77. W^ent with M" C. my H : and Ch. to Watertown. saw Co' Hancock, Mr. Adams, Pair, Cushing, &c. Din'd at M^ Hall's with Col Varren ' and Lady, M Arnold Wells and Lady : Mess" Adams, &c. return'd to Savages, slept there. Horse at Hagar's. 18. Went with M"^ C. (my H. and Ch.) to Darch's Newton to visit Betsy Bulfinch dangerously sick, pray'd there, return'd to M' age's, din'd therewith M' Woodward and Lady, slept there. Horse at Hagar's. Mercy Scollay and General Warren's little Daughters lodg'd with us. ig. Saturday. At home all day. wrote Letters to M" Handcock, and Mr. Eliot' at Fairfield. Deacon Jeffries visited us p. m. Nabby went in M"Scollay's Horse and chaise to M"Cockran's Watertown. 20. Went with M" C. (my H : and ch.) to Watertown. pch'd all day. We din'd at Deacon Fisk's. went about Sunset to Mr. Dennie's. slept and Horse there. 21. Monday. Went (in my H. and Ch.) to Watertown. I din'd at Madam Storer's M C. went with Nabby to the Lines at Charlestown. I attended p. m. Committee of Overseers, obtain'd Leave to lodg occa- sionally in M' Remington's Chambers, met M' Tho' Dennie who de- sir'd me to write to Gen' W^ashington &c we return'd with him to his Father's, slept and Horse there. 22. Tuesday. M" C went in the Morn? (my H. and Ch) to Water- town I accompanied Mr. Thof Dennie to Cambridg to Head Quarters Major Mifflin's &c. He then carried me to Watertown. Attended 'James Warren, of Plymouth, a graduate of Harvard College in 1745. He was a delegate to the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, and on the death of General War- ren was chosen speaker. He married Mercy Otis, the talented sister of the patriot. 2 The Rev. Andrew Eliot, minister of Fairfield, Conn., was a graduate of Harvard in 1762, and sometime librarian, tutor, and fellow of the college.