Diary of Samuel Cooper 3 1 i
Lawrence Door, din'd at M'. Pennyman's. Left my Horse in his Pas- ture, by his offer and took his in my chaise. Drank Coffee at Mr. Cummins slept and Horse kept there. //. Lord' s d. Pch'd all day at Billerica, baptiz'd i. din'd and slept at M' Cummins. Visited in the Evg by Col Thompson and D' Dan- forth. M' Cummins pch'd for me at Groton. He sat out on Saturday before I arriv'd, and return'd home this Evening. 12. Monday. Breakfasted at M' Cummin's, call'dat Mr Penny- man's of Bedford took back my own Horse, din'd at Capt Smiths of Lincoln on a roasted Turkey, call'd at M' Lawrence's and Green's Door p. m. drank Coffee with Sister Cooper ; met there CDS'; Jacob and Wife, slept at S. Horse at Russell's. 13. Tuesday. We Went with my Horse and chaise to M Wood- ward's. Association Meeting, an agreeable day. M" Cooper din'd at M" Baldwin's. She went with her p. m. to Newton and visited Nabby and Betsy Bulfinch. I walk'd home in the Evg. M" Cooper return'd in the chaise, slept at S. Horse at Russell's. Nabby sat off with Mr. Scot's Serv't Richard in his chaise for Princetown after Breakfast. 14. Went wth my Wife with my Horse and Chaise after Breakfast to Medford. din'd wth M' Payne's Family at their Lodgings at Brook's. Mrs [A part of the Diary is here missing] M' Lowell spent Evg and slept with us at S. Horse at R. 23. ^June We sat out with my Horse and chaise after Breakfast, went thro Lincoln and Bedford to Billerica. din'd at M' Stern's, call'd at Brother Cummins, slept at M' Bridg's Chelmsford. Horse there. 24. Went a. m. to Dunstable din'd at M' Pitts', slept and Horse there. Visited p. m. by James Ting' Dr. Loring etc. 23. Lord' s day. I pch'd both Parts of the Day at Dunstable, din'd at M' Pitts', read p. m. Proclamation fm Provincial Congress for reviv- ing Observation of the Sabbath, spoke after reading it 7 or 8 Minutes extempore. Hon' M' Russell and Family, Capt Henley, John Winslow, and Tho' Russell and Families attended divine Service. Drank Coffee with M' Pitts and Family at Col. John Tyng's. slept at M' Pitts. Horse there. 26. Monday, return'd to Chelmsford, din'd at Col. Stoddard's, met there Capt. Winslow. Col Stoddard and Lady kindly accompanied us over Carlston's Bridg to Tewksbury in our Way to Andover. Visited in the last Place Mr Appleton's Family. He at Cambridg. met there Capt Bradford and Wife, drank Coffee, slept, and Horse there. 27. Tuesday. W Abbott and Wife visited us this Morng. Went with us to M' Halls and Families, to Dr. Winthrop' and Ladies Lodgings: 'James Tyng and Colonel John Tyng, infra (H. C. 1725), of Dunstable, were both delegates to the Provincial Congiess of Massachusetts. 2John Winthrop, LL.D., F.R.S. (H. C. 1732), Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at Harvard College, a fellow of the Corporation, and a member of the Council of Massachusetts.