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IQO A^o/i's and N^eufs

ambassador who, after concluding the treaty of 1673 with the grand-vizier Ahmed Koproh, devoted himself to an elaborate tour in Asia Minor and the Levant and Greece. The celebrated drawings of the Parthenon attri- buted to Carrey were executed under his orders. The July number of the Revue Historiquc contains a summary review of Rumanian historical publications of the years 1S94-1S9S by Messrs. A. D. Xenopol and D. A. Teodoru. AMERICA. Mr. Warren K. Moorehead and others have published (Cincinnati, Robert Clarke Co.) Prehistoric Implements ; a reference-book describing the ornaments, utensils and implements of pre-Columbian man in America. Mr. jNIoorehead has been assisted in his work by Professor Perkins, Drs. L. G. Yates and R. Steiner, and others, who have written special chap- ters. The book has 621 illustrations showing 3000 specimens. No. 104 of the Old South Leaflets contains Jefferson's inaugural ad- dresses. No. 105 is An Accotmt of Louisiana, 1803, from a public doc- ument then printed ; No. 106 is a portion of Calhoun's Discourse on the Constitution and Goveryunent of the United States. The International Monthly for September contains an interesting ar- ticle on "The American School of Historians," by Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, of Harvard University. The extracts from the sources of American history prepared by Pro- fessor Howard W. Caldwell of the L^niversity of Nebraska are now issued (by Ainsworth of Chicago) in a single volume, which includes two series of ten numbers each, one "A Survey of American History," the other on "American Territorial Development." Numbers 2, 3, and 4 of Volume XH. of the Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law (Macmillan) are Colonial luimigrafion Laws ; a Study of the Regulation of Immigration by the Eng- lish Colonies in America, by Mr. Emberson E. Proper; History of Mili- tary Pension Legislation in the United States, by Mr. W. H. Glasson : History of the Theory of Sovereignty since Rousseau, by Mr. C. E. Merriam. Mr. J. Henry Lea's Genealogical Gleanings among the English Ar- chives, now in course of publication in the jVe'iO England Historical and Genealogical Register, are wholly occupied in the July number with the family of William Penn. An English genealogist, Mr. William Ferguson Irvine, supplies an entry from the parish register of Warrington which may possibly record the marriage of the parents of the Rev. Richard Mather. The United States Naval Academy, by Mr. Park Benjamin (G. P. Putnam's Sons), is mainly a history of the Academy at Annapolis, although the book gives a short description of the life and education of midshipmen before the Academy was called into, existence.

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