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Northern and Eastern Europe 189

Professor Kaufmann's Politische Gesihichtc Deutschlands iin iieiin- zehnten Jahrhtiiidcrt (Berlin, Bondi), is the fourth volume of a series which purports to cover the national progress of the Germans during the last hundred years. This volume is a book of 700 pages, octavo, and deals with tendencies, processes, and results, rather than with simple facts. In the Deutsche Revue for April Dr. Horst Kohl publishes a dozen letters of the finance-minister Karl von Bodelschwingh and ten letters of the minister Von der Heydt, addressed to Bismarck in the sixties. They are of considerable historical interest. In the same journal for May is printed a letter of Bismarck to Prince Reuss, ambassador in Vienna, written in 1SS4, and revealing Bismarck's opinion of Busch and his writings. Messrs. Harper and Brothers have just ready a collection of Conver- sations with Prince Bismarck, translated by Mr. Sidney Whitman from several of Herr von Poschinger's books. It will, we believe, be of use to many readers to be informed of the admirable short sketch of Austrian history which Dr. Franz von Krones has published in two small volumes entitled Osterreichisehe Geschichte von dcr Urzeit bis 1326 and Osterreichisehe Geschichte von 1^26 bis ziir Gegemvaii (,eo-gzig, Goschen, pp. 104, 106). The non- Austrian lands held by the Austrian crown are included. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : F. Priebatsch, Staat und Kirche in dcr JSIark Brandenburg am Ende des Mittelalters (Zeitschrift fiir Kirch- engeschichte, XXI. i) ; E. Daniels, Friedrich der Grosse und Maria Theresia am Vorabend des siebenjahrigen Krieges (Preussische Jahr- biicher, C. i) ; R. Koser, Die preussische/i Finanzen im siebenjahrigen Kriege (Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Ge- schichte, XIII. i) ; O. Kiintzel, Friedrich der Grosse am Sch/usse des siebenjahrigen Krieges und des russischen Biindnisses (Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte, XIII. i). NETHERLANDS AND BELGIUM. The fourth volume of Professor Fredericq's monumental Corpus Docu- mentorum Inquisitionis Neerlandicae (Ghent, Vuylsteke, pp. 553), com- prises the period from i5i4to 1525. One of the most curious documents is the reprint of a rare tract by William Gnapheus, giving the examina- tions by the inquisitors of Jan de Backer of Woerden, a priest who had embraced Lutheranism. Students of the period will find in Professor Frederic's volumes an enormous amount of important material, much of which is from unedited sources. NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE. Under the title L' Odyssee d' tin Ambassadcur ; Les Voyages da Mar- quis de Nointe!, i6jo-j68o (Paris, Plon, pp. 355), M. Albert Vandal has described from the original documents the career of a remarkable

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