1 88 Aifcs and Nezus
The Verein fiir Reformationsgeschichte publishes, as Heft 65, an ex- cellent monograph by Dr. Karl Benrath, Julia Gonzaga, ein Lchensbild aiis der Geschichte dcr Reformation in Italien (Halle, Niemeyer, pp. 127), which is in a way a companion to Agostini's recent book on Carnesecchi and Yaldes. One more of the republics subsidiary to the French has found its his- torian, in M. A. Dufourcq, whose Le Regime Jacobin en Italic, Etude stir la Repiiblique Romainc, 1 798-1 799 (Paris, Perrin) is a thorough work of great value based on researches in the archives of Paris, Rome and 'ienna and the papers of Berthier. The Macmillan Company have published The Venetian Republic, Its Rise, Its Groivtli and Its Fall, by ^^^ Carew Hazlitt. The work is in two octavo volumes, and covers the period from 421 to the fall of the Republic, in 1797 ; it should not be confused with Mr. Hazlitt's earlier brief .fi'/jVfri' ^ ///(: Venetian Republic, published in i860. It is founded on that book ; but it is brought down to a later time, and it is enlarged, especially by the addition of chapters relating to economic and social history. GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND. The committee for the Monumenta Gennaniae Historica have in press Vol. IV. of the Merovingian lives of saints, ed. Krusch, Part I. of the Carolingian diplomata, and the separate edition of Hrotsvitha. They announce the preparation of Carmina Selecta Aetatis Romanae Extremae, ed. Vollmer and Traube ; Liber Pontificalis, Vitae Gregorii, etc., ed. Brackmann ; Vol. V. of the Merovingian saints' lives, ed. Levison ; Vol. XXXI. of the Scriptores, ed. Holder-Egger, comprising the Annales Cremonenses, Sicard of Cremona, the chronicle of Reggio, and Sa- limbene ; Cosmas of Prague and his continuators, ed. Bretholz ; Leges Visigotliorum, ed. Zeumer ; Vol. VI. of the Epistolae, comprising the let- ters of Abbot Lupus of Ferrieres and Popes Nicholas I. and Hadrian II.; and a volume of pre-Carolingian poems and mortuary inscriptions, ed. Traube. Professor Harry Bresslau has been completing Vol. IV. of the Diplomata (Conrad II. and Henry HI.) by a prolonged journey of re- search in Italy. Inthe A'^eue Jahrbiicher fiir das klassiclie Alterthuni, VI. 3, Dr. F. Keutgen presents a valuable survey of the present state of the question of the origin of the constitutions of the German towns. In the Katholik for May Dr. Kirsch publishes, for the first time from the original manuscript, Melanchthon's letter of June 16, 1525, to Cam- erarius respecting Luther's marriage, a letter hitherto known only in the garbled form in which Camerarius gave it out for publication. The varying relations between Thomasius and the pietists and mystics are discriminatingly considered by Dr. R. Kayser in the programme of the Wilhelm-Gymnasium at Hamburg, Christian Thomasius und der Pietismus (pp. 32),