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Italy 187

Under the title Le Drame des Poisons (Paris, Hachette) M. Funck- Brentano constructs, upon the basis of his researches in the Bastille papers, an interesting and authoritative narrative of the case of the Mar- quise de Brinvilliers and of the great poisoning cases of 1678-1682. M. Louis Wiesener has finished, by the publication of a third volume (Paris, Hachette, pp. 503) his important work on Le Regent, r Abbe Dubois et Ics Anglais, an elaborate examination and defence of the policy of Orleans and Dubois based on the documents possessed by the English Public Record Office and the present Earl of Stair as well as on French sources. Though refused the use of the family documents, M. Paul Gaffarel has succeeded in making a valuable book of his Frieiir de la Cote-d ' Or (Paris, Rousseau, pp. 354), describing the activity of Prieur in the Legis- lative Assembly and the Convention, his work on behalf of the metric system, and especially his important labors, as a member of the Commit- tee of Public Safety, in providing munitions of war and organizing their manufacture. M. Charles-Louis Chassin has completed, by the issue of an eleventh or index-volume, his monumental Etudes Documentaires sur la Vendee et la Chouannerie (Yzxis, Dupont). The most important recent books upon the military history of the Napoleonic period are AL Felix Bouvier's Bonaparte en Italie, 1796 (Paris, Leopold Cerf, pp. 745) and a new volume by M. Chuquet, V Alsace en 1814 (Paris, Plon, pp. 479). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: F. Lot, Etudes sur Merlin; Les Sources de la Vita Merlini (Annales de Bretagne, April, July); B. de Mandrot, Sur F Autorite Historique de Philippe de Commynes (Revue Historique, July, September); A. Tilley, Humanism under Francis I. (English Historical Review, July); H. Gelin, Madatne de Maintenon Convertisseuse (Bulletin de la Societe de I'Histoire du Protestantisme Fran<;ais, 1900, 4 and 5); H. See, Les Idees Politiques de Fenclon (Re- vue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, L 6); Father P. Bliard, Dubois et r Alliance de ijij (Revue des Questions Historiques, July); A. Cans, Les Idees de Talleyrand sur la Politique Coloniale de la France au lendemain de la Revolution (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contempo- raine, IL i); G. de Nouvion, Talleyrand Prince de Benevent (Revue Historique, July, September); General Ducrot, M. Thiers et le General Ducrot pendant la Commune (Le Correspondant, May 25). ITALY. A new edition of Muratori's Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, edited by Giosue Carducci, with as many as possible of the texts corrected by the aid of modern editions (though apparently without new collations with the manuscripts), is projected by the publishing house of S. Lapi at Citta di Castello.

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