1 04 Doczcmcnts
Thursday, November gth. Upon Thursday 2'* Ins! there was a Camp Marked out close at the back of the school for a Batalion of 500 private men besides officers and they imediatly began to erect tents for the same.' And this day the whole was finished for 250 men being 50 tents for the privates and 6 D" for officers and 3 D" for the Comissary and his stores, with one for a Buffalo which is to be shown which I shall afterwards describe. — This day the 250 men being 5 Companys from different parts aravied at the Camp the other 5 Companys not being as yet compleated. Satiirday, nth. At 1 1 OClock forenoon I rode to Toun and bought one stone Mugg and Tin pot at lod. and 114^ yd. Linen at 5/ of which I wanted two stocks for winter wear, and the rest of it I made a present to Miss Lucy, for her ready ness to do any little thing for me ; I seed no worsted stockins for sale but one pair all Moth eaten and as they were they asked no less than 6/ for them. I dined at M' Porters spent 7|-at Mr Anderson and then came home by sun down. Sunday, 12th. This day a great number of company from Toun and Country to see the Camp four of which (Gentlemen) paid me a visite which put me to 1/3 expence for a bottle of rum. at noon by Accident one of the Captains tents was set on fire and all consumed but none of things of any Accol Lost. Muuday, 13th. This forenoon the Col! sent a waggon Load of Tur- nups and Pitatoes to the Camp as a present for all the men. Tuesday, 14th. All the minute-men in the Camp employed learning their exercise. Wednesday, 15th. This morning I drank a small dram of rum made thick with brown suggar for the cold, it being the first dram I have drunk since I lived on the Plantation. Thursday, i6tJi. The soldiers at muster. Freiday, ijth. The soldiers at D°, and I left of going into the Nur- sery and taking charge of the children out of school. Wednesday, 2gfh. This day the camp was brocke up and the whole Batallion dismissed after each private receiving 22 days pay at 1/4 per day and 1/ for provisions out and home. During the time the camp was by the school it cost me 8/ i-j- of expences which is more by 2/ than it cost me for 1 2 Months before. Saturday, December 2d. At noon went to Toun and seed two Com- panys of regulars from the Ohio among which was one real Indian, he was of a Yelow couler short brod faced and rather flat nosed, and long course black [hair] quite streight. he spoke verry good english. I staid in Toun all night and slept at M ! Andersons ; I bought from M '. Porter a black Silk Handkerchief at 5/. Sunday, 3d. After breackfast I went and found out Miss Molly White and left with her cloth to make me two winter Stocks and a stock to make them by. Dined in Toun, came home in the afternoon. ' An ordinance of tlie July Convention had provided for twenty days' drill on the part of the minute-men of each group of counties. The minute-men of the district composed of Caroline, Spotsylvania, King George and Stafford were to number five hundred rank and file. Hening, IX. 16