Diary of John Harroiaer 103 and daughter. Same day I seed a Comp?" of 70 Men belonging to one of the Regiments of Regullars raised here for the defence of the rights and liberties of this Coll! in particular and of North America in Generall. They were on their March to Williamsburg. Thursday, October 12th. Company here last night Viz! Old M" Wal- ler, her son and his wife and at school there M' Heely Schoolmaster and Mr Brooks Carpenter and they w! M' Frazer and myself played whist and danced untill 1 2 OClock, M.' Heely the Fidle and dancing. We drank one bottle of rum in time. M' Frazer verry sick after they went home. Munday, i6th. This morning 3 men went to work to break, swingle and heckle flax and one woman to spin in order to make course linnen for shirts to the Nigers, This being the first of the kind that was made on the plantation. And before this year there has been little or no linnen made in the Colony. Tuesday ijth. Two women spining wool on the bigg wheel and one woman spinning flax on the little wheel all designed for the Nigers. Munday, 2jd. One Frieday last I lent to Miss Lucy one pair of my shoes to spin with. This day General Washintons Lady dined here. As did her son and Daugr in Law,' M? Spotswood, M? Campbell, M7 Dansie, Miss Washington and Miss Dandrige, They being all of the highes Rank and fortunes of any in this Colony. Saturday, 28fh. Last night came here to school M' Heely and Tho? Brooks in order to spend the evening, but by reason of M' Frazer' s not coming from the House, and some stories told them by M" Richards in order to sow disention. She being really a Wolf cloathed with a lambs skin and the greatest Mischief maker I have seen in all my Travels, The first time I seed her, I cou'd observe in her countenance Slyness and deceit, and I have always avoided going to the House as much as possi- ble, But now I really think she ought to be avoided by every christian who regairds peace and their own character. They both went home at 10 pm. Sunday, 2gth. Yesterday at noon W. Heely came here and asked me to take a walk with him in order to see Miss Molly White late house- keeper at Newport she having some shirts of his making for him, and after crossing the river we found her at an Aunts house of hers one M" Hansfords where we stayed all night, and this day Miss Molly came with us two Miles to a Gentlemans house in our way home, and after aquant- ing M' Heely where his shirts was ready for him the conversation turned upon clearing themselves to each other of most malicious stories raised by the above M? Richards in order to set them at variance and included with them was Miss Lucy Gaines our housekeeper, and myself But now that every one has discovered the snake, I belive in time coming her bite will be avoided. ijohn Parke Custis and his wife Eleanor Calvert. The Mrs. Spotswood referred to was probably the wife of Col. Alexander Spotswood of Ne^vport, a niece of Gen. Wash- ington. Mrs. Campbell was probably Mary, the widow of John Spotswood, son of the governor, who married John Campbell, Gentleman. Miss Washington must have been a niece of Gen. Washington, and Miss Dandridge was perhaps a niece of his wife.