989 '■ Pragmatique Sanction de Bourges, Histoire de la ", by Noel Valois, re- viewed, 619. " Precursores de la Independencia Mexicana, Los ", by L. G. Obregon. reviewed, 927. Preissig, Edward, " Notes on the His- tory and Political Institutions of the Old World", reviewed, 414. " Present State of European Settle- ments ", by Philip Pittman, reviewed, 149. " President. Les Droits Legislatifs du ", by Henri Bosc, reviewed, 178. " Press, Development of Freedom of the ", by C. A. Duniway. reviewed, 145- Price, W. H., " The English Patents of Monopoly ", reviewed, 878. Prins, Adolphe, " De I'Esprit du Gouvernement Democratique ", re- viewed, 413. Privy Council of the Time of Richard II., by J. F. Baldwin, 1-14: parlia- mentary control, i-io; control by king, 11-14; composition, 4-5; pay of members, 5-6. " Proceedings of the American Political Science Association", reviewed, 412. " Profili Biografici e Bozzetti Storici ", by Alessandro Luzio, reviewed, 644. Profumo, Attilio, " Le Fonti ed i Tempi dello Incendio Neroniano ", reviewed by S; B. Platner, 416. Prohibition and Consultation, by Court of King's Bench ; distinction, 748, 749 n. Proof that Columbus ivas born in 1451 : A Nczi.' Document, by H: Vignaud, 270-279. Prothero, G. W., (ed.) Acton's "Cam- bridge Modern History ", Vols. ix.. IV., reviewed, 135, 627: "Select Statutes and Other Constitutional Documents ", reviewed Ly G. Jones, 920. Providence, Meeting of the American Historical Association at, 483-506. " Provincial Administration, The Ro- man System of", by W. T. Arnold, reviewed, 915. Putnam, George H., " The Censorship AM, HIST. REV., VOL.XII. — 64 of the Church of Rome ". Vol. i.. reviewed by G. L. Hamilton, 871. " Quakerism and Politics ", by Isaac Sharpless, reviewed, 149. " Quest for a Lost Race, The ", by T : E. Pickett, reviewed, 916. Quetif, 810. Quitman, J ; A., 295. Raleigh, Sir W., 510, 51^. 5i6, 5i7- Ramirez, Jose Fernando, " Mexico du rante su Guerra con los Estados Unidos ", reviewed by J. S. Reeves, 431. Rammelkamp, C. H., (R) Reid's " Story of Old Fort Johnson ", 397- Randolph, E., 542. Randolph, Edmund, on the British Treaty, 1795. (doc), 587-599- Randolph, T: M., 783, 785- Raudot, Jacques, 22, 23, 28, 33, 37- " Readings in European History ", by J. H. Robinson, reviewed, 168. Reagan, J : H., 66-74 ; " Memoirs ", reviewed by W : E. Dodd, 679. " Reconstruction, Documentary History of". Vol. I., by W. L. Fleming, re- " Reconstruction in North Carolina , by J. G. de Roullac Hamilton, re- viewed, 911. Redway, Jacques Wardlaw. " Making of the American Nation ", reviewed by J. A. James, 438. Reeves, Jesse S., (R) Ramirez's " Mexico durante su Guerra con los Estados Unidos", 431; (R) Garri- son's " Westward Extension ", 673. Reformation, Doumergue's " Jean Cal- vin ", Vol. in., reviewed, 127; Pij- per's " Disputationes contra Luther- um ", reviewed, 363 : Walker's " John Calvin ", reviewed, 366. " Reformation, History of the ", by T : M. Lindsay, reviewed, 874. " Reformation ", by J. P. Whitney, re- viewed, 876. Regency Bill, 1751, debate, 262-267- " Registres du Conseil de Geneve ", Vol. II., reviewed, 418. Reichman, C:, 309. Reid, Max, "The Story of Old Fort Johnson ", reviewed by C : H. Ram- melkamp, 397.