Index Pelham, Henry F., death, 703. Pepys, S., " Memoires of the Royal Navy ", reviewed, 689. Pereyra, Carlos, (ed. ) "La Inquisicion de Mexico ", reviewed, 422. Perez, L. M., 95 ; (R) Posada and Ibaiiez's " Vida de Herran " and Finestrad's [et al.] " Los Comun- eros", 668; (R) Arana's " Coleccion de Historiadores i de Documentos re- latives a la Indepencia de Chile ", Vols, ix.-xiv., 671: " Apuntes de Libros que tratan de Cuba ", re- viewed, 935. Perkins, James B., (R) Bradby's " The Great Days of Versailles", 883. Perrin, B., (R) Mahaffy's "Silver Age of the Greek World", 414. " Persia Past and Present ", by A. V. W. Jackson, reviewed, 602. Petre, F. Loraine, " Napoleon's Cam- paign in Poland, 1806-1807 ", re- viewed by T. A. Dodge, 888. Pezuela, marquis de la. 281, 285-290. 296. Philip II. August, 734. " Philipp II. August ", Vol. ii., by Alexander Cartellieri, reviewed, 358. " Philippine Islands, The ", by E. H. Blair and J. A. Robertson, Vols. XXVIII., XXX.-XXXVIII., XXXIX.-XLVI., " Philippine Islands, The," by J : Fore- man, reviewed, 388. Phillipps, March, 304. Phillips, P. Lee, (R) Burrage's " Early English and French Voy- ages ", 692. Pichot, Pierre Amedee. (ed.) " Me- moirs of the Count de Cartrie ", 376. Pickett, T: E., "The Quest for a Lost Race", reviewed, 916. Pier, Garret C, " Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities", reviewed, 915. Pierce, Franklin, 292, 293, 298, 547, 554, 560, 562, 564, 566. Pierce, Franklin, " The Tariff and the Trusts", reviewed by D. R. Dewey. 933- Pierce, James O., " Studies in Constitu- ional History", reviewed, 172. Pierce, J:, 519- Pigafetta, Antonio. " Magellan's Voy- age iewed by J. A. Le Roy, 1., (R) Profumo's Tempi dello In- • Teutonic Order ' Davenport, 169. Pijper, F., (ed.) " Primitiae Pontificiae : Disputationes contra Lutherum ", re- viewed by W: W. Rockwell, 363. Pionnier, Edmond, " Essai sur I'His- toire de la Revolution a Verdun ", reviewed by H : E. Bourne, 636. " Pitt, William ", by Albert von Ru- ville, reviewed, 371. " Pitt, William, correspondence of ", by G. S. Kimball, reviewed, 663. " Pitt, William, der Jiingere ", by Felix Salomon, reviewed, 886. Pittman, Philip, " Present State of European Settlements ", reviewed by E. E. Sparks, 149. Pittsburgh, early industries, 761, 765. Pius X., 219. Plainer, Samuel E " Le Fonti ed i cendio Neroniano ' Plum, Harry Grant, ' reviewed/by F. G. Pobedonostseff, 223 n, 235. Poinsett, Joel R., 788-791. Pollock, colonel, 304. Pomeroy, S. C, 549, 558-559. Pomponne, marquis, 246, 249. Poole, Reginald L., " Political History of England ", Vols, i., xi., in., re- viewed, 114, 139, 613. Pope, John, governor, 802. Popham, Sir J :, 517. PoRRiTT., A. G., (R) "Journals of the Honourable William Hervey ", 689. " Port Royal, Letters written from, at the Time of the Civil War", (ed.) by E. W. Pearson, reviewed, 932. " Portrait Index ", by W : C. Lane, reviewed, 687. Portugal, colonial enterprise of, 507- 508. Posada. Eduardo, " Vida de Herran ", reviewed by L. M. Perez, 668. Posi-Office Defavhnent of the Con- federacy. Organization of the. by W. F. McCaleb. 66-74. Post-Office Department, Washington, secret mission to Southern employees in, March, 1861, 68. "Powell, Frederick York", by Oliver Elton, reviewed. 648.