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Index Mexico, Garcia's " Inquisicion ", re- viewed, 422. " Mexico durante su Guerra con los Estados Unidos ", by Jose Fernando Ramirez, reviewed, 431. " Mexico y la Guerra de Independencia, El Clero de ", reviewed, 931. Meyer, A. U., 584. Miami Country, The Rise of Manu- factures in the, by F. P. Goodwin, 761-775- " Militia, Epitomized History of the ", by G: Jackson Hay, reviewed, 356. Mirepoix, duke de, 255. Missiot!, Catholic, in Maryland, 1641. (doc), 584. " Mississippitales, Die Kolonisation des ", by Alexander France, re- viewed, 659. Moeller, lieutenant, 305. Molmenti, Pompeo, " Venice ", Part i., reviewed by F. Schwill, 8v.j. " Monopoly, English Patents of ". by W: H. Price, reviewed, 878. Monroe, James, 778, 779, 781. Montague, C. E., (introd.) Arnold's " Studies of Roman Imperialism ", 351- MooNEY. James, (R) Friederici's " Skalpieren und ahnliche Kriegsge- brauche in Amerika ", 391. Moore. C:, (R) Upham's " Groseilliers and Radisson ", 694. Moore, F : W., (R) Turner's " Rise of the New West", 162: (R) Reynolds's " Reconstruction in South Carolina ", 180. Morey, W : C., "Outlines of Ancient History ", reviewed by J. Sullivan, 437- Morley, J:, 223. Mormons, restriction of, 54. " Morris, Gouverneur ", by A. Esmein, reviewed, 690. Mortmain in Medieval Boroughs, by C. Gross, 733-742 : ecclesiastical ex- emptions from taxation, 733-738: prohibition of bequests of land to the church, 738-742. Mowry, W : A. and Blanche S., " Essen- tials of United States History ", re- viewed by J. A. James, 438. Miiller, W. Max, " Egyptological Re- searches ", reviewed by C. Johnston, 861. Munro, Dana C, (R) Brehier's " L'- figlise et I'Orient au Moyen Age ", 608 ; (R) Gerland's " Geschichte des lateinischen Kaiserreiehes von Kon- stantinopel ", 611 ; paper by, 485, 492. MuNRO, W. B., The Office of Intendant in New France, 15-38. Muscovy Company, 512, 514. MuzzEY, David S., (R) Guiraud's "Questions d'Histoire ", 113; (R) Dejob's " La Foi Religieuse en Italie au Quatorzieme Siecle ", 615. Myers, Philip Van Ness, " General His- tory ", reviewed, 436 ; " Outlines of Nineteenth Century History", re- viewed. 702 ; " Short History of An- cient '1 imes ", reviewed, 936 ; " Short History of Mediaeval and Modern Times ", reviewed, 936. Napier, Sir VilIiam, 41, 51, 52. Napoleon I., 39, 42, 52, 242. "Napoleon's Last Voyages ", by Sir Thomas Ussher, reviewed, 691. " Napeoleon's Campaign in Poland, 1806-1807", by F. Loraine Petre, re- Napoleon HL, 233. " Napoleon HL. Rome et ", by £mile Bourgeois and £. Clermont, re- viewed, 892. " Naturalization, Legislative History of", by F. G: Franklin, reviewed, 402. " Naval Records of the Revolution, Calendar of the ", by C : H. Lincoln, reviewed, 930. " Navy of the American Revolution, The", by C: O. Paullin, reviewed, 666. " Navy, Memories of the Royal ", by Samuel Pepys, reviewed, 689. " Nederlandsche Volk, Geschiedenis van het ", Vol. vii., by P. J. Blok, reviewed, 890. Negro, Paulo di, 277, 278. Nelson, W :, fed.') "Archives of the State of New Jersey ", Vol. xxv., reviewed, 177- Nero, "Le Fonti ed i Tempi della Incendio Neroniano ", by Attilio Profumo, reviewed. 416.

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