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985 sonian Democracy ", reviewed by C : H. Levermore, 164. McDonnel, lieutenant, 305. Mackintosh, John, death, 937. McLaughlin, A. C, 492. McMaster, John B., " History of the People of the United States ", Vol. VI., reviewed by C. H. Levermore, 899. McNain, 68. Madison, James, 545, 777, 779, 781, 784, 785- " Madison, James, The Writings of ", Vol. VI., reviewed, 697. " Magellan's Voyage ", by Antonio Pigafetta, reviewed, 125. Magna Charta, 4. Mahaffy, John Pentland, " Silver Age of the Greek World ", reviewed by B. Perrin, 414. Mail-routes in Confederacy. 72-73. Mair, John. Journal of, 1791, (doc), 77- 94- Maitland, Frederick W., death, 703. " Making of the American Nation ", by Jacques Wardlaw Redway, reviewed. 438. Malloiiy. Stephen R.. Letter of, 1861. (doc), 103-108. Manatt, J. Irvixg. (R) Lang's "Homer and His Age", 60s: (R) " Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley iiowe ", 640. Mann, A. Dudley, 293. Mansell, 744, 746, 748. Mantoux, Paul, French Reports of British Parliamentary Debates in the Eighteenth Century, 244-269; "La Revolution Industrielle au XVIII" Siecle ", reviewed by E. F. Gay, 884. Manufactures in the Miami Country, The Rise of. by F. P. Goodwin, 761- 775 ; Western industries prior to 1815, 762-765: attitude of West and East toward tariff of 181 6, 766- 769 ; industries founded between 181S and 1820, 770-775. Marbois, Letters of Jefferson to, 1781, J7S3, (doc), 75-77. Marcy, W: L., 292, 293. 297, 298. " Marquez, Don Leonardo. Causa Mandada Formar a ". by Genaro Garcia, (ed.), reviewed, 699. . Society. Niel Pro- Marriot, Sir W :. 242. Marshall, J:, Chief Justice Marshall and Virginia, by W. E. Dodd, 776- 787 ; " Fairfax " case, yyy-yyg ; Mc- Culloch V. Maryland, 779-781 ; Cohens v. the State of Virginia, 781- 786. Marshall, John, Letter to James Wilkin- son, 17S7, (doc), 346. Marshall, W: I., death, 443. Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (law case) 777- Maryland, Narrative of a Voyage to '705-1706, (doc), 327-340. Maryland, Catholic Mission in, 164: (doc), 584. Maryland, McCulloch v., (law case) 779, 781. Mason, Arthur James, (trans.) sen's " History of the Papacy Massachusetts Historic ceedings of ", Vol 433 : " Collections ". seventh series. Vol. VI., reviewed, 931. Masson, Frederic, (ed.) " Memoirs of Count de Cartrie ", reviewed by G : M. Dutcher. 376. Maurice, Sir F :, 319, 320. Maxcy, Virgil, on Calhoun's Political Opinions and Prospects, 1823, (doc), 599- ■■ Maximiliano, Intimo ", by Jose L. Blasio, reviewed. 927. Maxwell, war correspondent, 301. Mayflower, (vessel), 519. Mayo, Robert, 798-800, 802. Mazzatinti, Giuseppe, death, 186. Mazzini, Giuseppe, " Scritti Editi e Inediti ", Vol. i., reviewed by H. N. Gay, 643. Mechem. Floyd R., (R) Hill's "Lin- coln the Lawyer ", 672. Medieval Boroughs, Mortmain in. by C. Gross, 733-742- Meeting of the American Historical Association at Providence. 483-506. Melish, J :, 763. Methuen, lord, 306, 311. MeuUes, Jean de. 21, 22, 27. 36, 37. " Mexicana, Los Precursores de la In- dependencia ", by Luis G. Obregon, reviewed. 927.

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