983 Johnson, R: M., ;86. Johnson, S :, 259. Johnson, WilHs F., " Four Centuries of the Panama Canal ", reviewed by J. R. Smith, 68^. Johnston, Christopher, (R) Breast- ed's " Ancient Records of Egypt ", 858; (R) Muller's "Egyptological Researches ", 861. Johnston, R. M., (R) Nielsen's "His- tory of the Papacy in the XIX Cen- • tury", 377. Jones, Guernsey, (R) Prothero's " Se- lect Statutes and Documents ", 920. Joyce, Patrick, "Smaller Social H'i^- tory of Ancient Ireland ", reviewed, 917. Junot, marshal, 44. 50, 51. Juntas : Asturias, 48 ; Castile, 49 ; Gali- cia, 45-49 ; Leon, 46, 48, 49 ; Seville, 41, 42, 46; their union, 48-49, 51-52- Kansas History. Sharps RHie Episode in. by W. H. Iselv, 546-566. Kant, Samuel, 222. Kelker, L. R.. 494. Kelly-Kenny, general, 306. Kennedy, J: Pendleton, (ed.), "Jour- nals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1 770-1 772". "i 766-1 769", reviewed, 428. 928. Kermaingant, P. L., (ed.) Marquis de Bouille's " Souvenirs ", reviewed by F. M. Fling, 924. Keys, Alice Mapelsden, " Cadwallader Colden ", reviewed by Carl Becker, 697. Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn. (ed.) " Correspondence of William Pitt ", reviewed, 663. King's Bench, Court. 747, 748 ; case of N : Fuller, 749-756- Kingsbury, Susan M.. " Introduction to Records of the Virginia Company ", reviewed, 174; (ed.) "Records of the Virginia Company of London ", reviewed, 424 ; paper by, 495. Kitchener, Lord, 306, 309, 311. Klenze. Camillo von, (R) Lamprecht's " Deutche Geschichte ", Vol. viii., 633- Knyvett, Sir Henry. " Defence of the Realme ", reviewed, 688. " Konstantinopel, Geschichte des latein- ischen Kaiserreiches von ", by Ernst Gerland, reviewed, 611. Kramer, Stella, " English Craft Gilds ", reviewed by E. F. Gay, 170. Kretschmayr, H., " Geschichte von Venedig ", Vol. i., reviewed by F. Schwill, 864- " Kriegskunst, Geschichte der, im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte ", Vol. in., by Hans Delbriick, re- " Krimkrieg und die osterreichische Politik ", by Heinrich Friedjung, re- viewed, 894. Ladd, T:, 744-746, 748. Lake, Sir T :, 749, 756. Lamprecht. Karl, 219; "Americana", reviewed, 432 ; " Deutche Ges- chichte ", Vol. VIII., reviewed, 633. Lanciani, Rodolfo, " Golden Days of the Renaissance in Rome ", reviewed, 623. Lane, W: Coolidge, (ed.) "Portrait Index", 687. Lang. Andrew. " Homer and His Age ", reviewed by J. I. Manatt, 605. Langton. H. H.. (ed-). "Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada ". reviewed. 934. Larimer. W :, 57. 63. Earned, T. N., " Books, Culture and Character ". reviewed, 687. LARSO^^, Laurence M., (R) Hodgkin's " History of England to the Norman Las Casas, Bartolome de, 270, 276, 277. Latane, J: H-, (R) Bosc's " Les Droits Legislatifs ", 178. Latimer, Lord, 2, 8, 12. Latin-American Confederation. Project of 18^6, (doc), 94-103- Laughton, John K., (ed.), "Recollec- tions of James Anthony Gardner ", reviewed, 925. Laurence, Reginald Vere, (ed.) Acton's "Lectures on Modern History", 621. Lavisse, E., " Histoire de France : Louis XIV.", reviewed by J. W. Thompson. 130. Lau. Friederich. (ed.), "Codex Diplo- maticus Moenofrancofurtanus ", Vols.