struction in North Carolina ", re- viewed by W. L. Fleming, 911. Hamilton, R. Vesey, (ed.), "Recollec- tions of James Anthony Gardner ", reviewed, 925. Hammond, J. L., " Lord Hobhouse ", reviewed by Gj M. Wrong, 141. Harrison, F ;, 227 ; " Memories and Thoughts ", reviewed, 422. Harrison, James A., " George Washing- ton ", reviewed, 897. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 504; (ed.) "American Nation", Vols, xi., xii.- XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., reviewed, 155, 158, 162, 164, 673, 675, 677, 902, 907; " Slavery and Abolition ", reviewed by J. C. Ballagh, 902. Raskin's, C : H., 493, 504. Hastings, Hugh, (ed.) " Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York ", Vols. V. and vi., reviewed by A. L. Cross, 176. Hauser, Henri, " Les Sources de I'His- toire de France ", Vol. i., reviewed by J. W. Thompson, 171. Haworth, Paul Leland, " Hayes-Tilden Disputed Presidential Election ", re- Hay, G : Jackson, " Epitomized History of the Militia ", reviewed, 356. Haynes, G: H., "The Election of Senators ", reviewed by H. V. Ames, 400. Hazen, C: D., 492; (R) Esmein's " Gouverneur Morris ", 690. Hegel, 239. Heguerty d', 262. Henderson, lieut.-col. G: F., 319. Henry II., 733. Henry III.. 734. 735- Henry IV., emperor, 733. Henry IV., 2, 13. Henry VI., 2. Henry, Patrick, 540. Hernandez, 797. " Herrati, Vida de ", by Eduardo Posada and Pedro M. Ibanez, reviewed, 668. Hershey. Amos S., " International Law and Diplomacy of Russo-Japanese War", reviewed by T. S. Woolsey. 652. " Hervey, Honorable William, Jour- nals of the ", " Suffolk Green Books ", Vol. XIV., reviewed by A. G. Porritt, 689. High Commission, court of ; case of N : Fuller, 743-760. Hildt, J : C, " Early Diplomatic Nego- Hill, David Jayne. " History of Diplo- macy ", Vol. II., reviewed by G: L. Burr, 617. Hill, Frederick Trevor, " Lincoln the Lawyer ", reviewed by F. R. Mechem, 673. Himly, Auguste, 443. Hindrobo, admiral, 47. "History of England to A. D. 1066", by T: Hodgkin, reviewed, 114. " History, Lectures on Modern *', by Lord Acton, reviewed, 621. History, Religion still the Key to. by S. E. Baldwin, 219-243. Hite V. Fairfax (law case), 777. Hobart, attorney-general, 754-757. Hobby, asst. P. M. G., 68. Hobhouse, L. T., " Lord Hobhouse ", reviewed by G : M. Wrong, 141. Hocquart, Gilles, 21, 22, 28, 33, 37. Hodder, Frank Heywood, (ed.) "Au- dubon's Western Journal ", reviewed, 149; (introd.) Pittman's "Present State of European Settlements ", 149 : paper by. 500. Hodge. F. W., (ed.-). "Spanish Explor- ers in the Southern United States, 1528-1543 ". reviewed by G : P. Win- Hodgkin, T:. "History of England to A. D. 1066", reviewed by L. M. Larson. 114. Hoffding, Harald, " Sociological Pa- pers ", reviewed. 412. Holland, Gonnaud's " La Colonisation Hollande a Java ", reviewed, 881 ; Blok's " Geschiedenis van het Neder- landsche Volk ", reviewed, 890. Hoist, H. E. von, 537, 790, 793. Holy 'Alliance, 221, 543. Holy Synod, Russian, 235. " Homer and His Age ", by Andrew Lang, reviewed, 605. Hosmer, James K., " Appeal to Arms ", " Outcome of the Civil War ", re- I viewed by E. B : Andrews, 907.