977 Dodd, W. F., 349. Dodge, Theodore A., (R) Petre's " Na- poleon's Campaign in Poland, 1806- 1807 ", 888. Doniol, Henri, death, 443. Dougherty, J. Hampden, " Electoral System of the United States ", re- viewed by W : MacDonald, 154. Doughty, Arthur G., " Report concern- ing Canadian Archives for 1904 ", reviewed. 434. Douglas, S. A., 548. Doumerque, £mile, " Jean Calvin ", Vol. III., reviewed by C: Borgeaud, 127. Dow, Earle W., (R) Lau's " Codex Diplomaticus Moenofrancofurtanus ", Vols. I. and 11., 354. Doyle, Sir A. Conan, 313, 314. Drake, Dr., 770. Drake, Sir Francis, 510. Drew, Lawrence, 12. Dryad (vessel), 41. Dublin, 738-739. Duchesneau, Jacques, 19. 22-24, 31, 37. DuiT, British consul, 41, 43. Duniway, Clyde Augustus, " Develop- ment of Freedom of the Press ", re- viewed by A. McF. Davis, 145. Dunraven, Windham T:, fourth earl of (introd.) Young's "Christopher Co lumbus ", 656. Dupont, French general, 43, 44. Dupuy, Claude, 21-23. " Durham, Life and Letters of the First Earl of ", by Stuart J. Reid, re- viewed, 637. Durrett, R. T., 346. " Dutch War, Letters and Papers re- lating to the First ", by S : R. Gardiner, reviewed. 420. DuTCHER, G: M.. (R) Masson's "Me- moirs of the Count de Cartrie ", 376. East India Company, 512, 513, 518. Eastern Empire, Gerland's " Geschichte des lateinischen Kaiserreiches von Konstantinopel ", reviewed. 611; Di- reclorium ad Faciendum Passagium Transmarinum. (doc). 811-857. Eastland Company, 512. " Economic Development of a Norfolk Manor ", by F. G. Davenport, re- viewed. 600. Eden, R:, 509. Edward I., 741, 742. Edward IL, 735. Edward H., 1-3. 5, 8, 11. ■• figlise et Orient ", by Louis Brehier, reviewed, 608. Egypt, letter to Cromer, 241. " Egypt, AncieiJt Records of ", by J. H. Breasted (ed.). reviewed, 858. " Egyptian Antiquities, Catalogue of ', by G. C. Pier, reviewed, 915. •■ Egyptological Researches ", by W. M. Miiller, reviewed, 861. Eldred, J:. 514- ■' Electoral System of the United States ", by J. H. Dougherty, re- viewed, 154. Elizabeth, queen, 524, 525, 743, 747, 753- Ellet, 67. Ellis, Powhatan, 797- Elton, Oliver. ■' Frederick York Powell", reviewed by H. M. Steph- ens, 648. Embargo of 1807. its effect on Ameri- can manufactures. 761. 764, 765. Emerton, E., (R) Enthoven's " Briefe an Erasmus", 171. England, Bonn's " Englische Kolonisa- tion in Irland ", reviewed, 123; Kim- ball's " Correspondence of William Pitt ", reviewed, 633 ; Mortmain in Medieval Boroughs, 733-742 ; Nich- olas Fuller and the court of High Commission, 743-760 ; Price's " Eng- lis.i Patents of Monopoly ", reviewed, 878: Ruville's "William Pitt", re- viewed, 371 ; Salomon's " William Pitt ", reviewed, 886. " England, History of Modern ", Vol. v., by Herbert Paul, reviewed, 385. " England, Political History of ", Vols. I., XI., III., by W. Hunt and R. L. Poole, reviewed, 114, 139, 613. English Conditions surrounding the Settlement of Virginia, by E: P. Cheyney. 507-528 ; English. Spanish and Portuguese colonization, 507- 512; Old and New World trading companies. 512-514: parallel be- tween Virginian and Irish planta- tions, 515-522; settlement of Vir- ginia, 523-528.