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Index " Constitutional History, Studies in ". by J. O. Pierce, reviewed, 172. Constitutional Unionist, northern, atti- tude toward Civil War, 574-576- Consultation and prohibition, by Court of King's Bench : distinction, 748- 749n. Continental Congress, 529-545- " Continental Congress, Journals of the ", Vols, v., VI., vn., reviewed, 177. 929- Cooke, governor, 538. Cora, J : de, 809. Corn Laws, 243. Council, Privy, of the Time of Richard II., by J. F. Baldwin, 1-14. Crittenden resolutions, 568, 569, 57o, 574- Cromer, lord, letter to, 241. Cronje, general, 303, 306. Cross, Arthur L., (R) Hastings's " Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York", 176. Crusades, Brehier's " L'figlise et L'- Orient ", reviewed, 608: Direcloriiim ad Faciendum Passagium Traiis- marimim. (doc), 811-857. Cuba, Black Warrior Affair, 280-298. " Cuba, Apuntes de Libro que tratan de ", by L. M. Perez, reviewed, 935. Cuesta, 43, 45, 49, 50. Cueto. 285, 295-298. Curry, J. L. M., 67. Cushing, Caleb, 297, 298. Dale, Sir T:. 520, 523- Dalyngrugg, E :, 11. Danby, earl of, 245. Darwin, C :, 224. Davenport, Frances G., (R) Robin- son's " Readings in European His- tory ", 168; (R) Plum's "The Teutonic Order", 169; "Economic Development of a Norfolk Manor ". reviewed by T: W. Page, 609: (R) " Transactions of the Royal Histor- ical Society ", Vol. xx.. 686. Davis, Andrew McF.. (R) Duniway's " Development of Freedom of the Press in Massachusetts", 145. Davis, Jefferson, 67-70. " Dawn of Modern Geography ", Vol. in., by C. R. Beazley, reviewed, 869. Day, Clive, (R) Gonnaud's " La Colonisation Hollandaise a Java ", Debates, British Parliamentary, in the Eighteenth Century, French Reports of, by P. Mantoux, 244-269. Deitzler, G: W., 552, 553, 554. Dejob, C: "La Foi Religieuse en Italic au Quatorzieme Siecle ", reviewed by D. S. Muzzey, 615. Delbriick, Hans von. " Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politi- schen Geschichte ", Vbl. in., re- viewed by C: T. Wyckoff, 606; " Erinnerungen ", reviewed by V. Coffin, 646. Delia Chiesa, F., " Noterelle Varesine ", reviewed by H. N. Gay, 421. " Democratique, De I'Esprit du Gouver- nement ", by Adolphe Prins, re- viewed, 413. Democrats. Northern: attitude to Civil War, 574, 576. Denis, Ernest, " La Fondation de I'Em- pire Allemand ", reviewed by V. Coffin, 380. Dennis, Alfred L. P., (R) Foster's " The English Factories in India, 1618-1621 ", 879. Denver, constitutional convention, June, 1859, 58; preliminary territorial con- stitutional convention, October, 1859, 59- Derby, G :, (comp.), "Conspectus of American Biography ", reviewed, 926. " Deutsche Geschichte ", by Karl Lamprecht, Vol. viii., reviewed, 633. " Deutsche Geschichte, 1806-1871 ", Vol. III., by Hans Zwiedineck-Stiden- horst, reviewed. 380. Dewey. Davis R., (R) Burton's "John Sherman ", 905 ; (R) Pierce's " The Tariff and the Trusts ", 933. Dionne, N. E., " Inventaire chrono- logique ", Vols, i., n., reviewed. 692. "Diplomacy, History of", by D. J. Hill, Vol. n.. reviewed. 617. Dircctorium ad Faciendum Passagium Transmarinum. (doc). 811-857- Disestablishment. Irish Church, 233. DoDD, W: E., (R) Reagan's "Me- moirs", 679: Chief Justice Marshall and Virginia. iSi.^-iS.'i. 776-787.

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