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973 Bibliographical Society of America, meeting, 483. Bigot, intendant, 23, 35, 36-38. " Biography, Conspectus of American ", by G : Derby, reviewed, 926. Black Warrior Affair, by H : L. Janes, 280-298; the incident, 281-289; its settlement, 289-298. Blair, Emma H., (ed.) "The Philip- pine Islands", Vols, xxviii., xxx.- xxxviu., xxxix-XLVi., reviewed by J. A. LeRoy, 143, 912. Blair, Francis P., 580, 581, 801, 802. Blair, Montgomery, 73 ; (R) Hunt's '* The First Forty years of Washing- ton Society ", 669. Blake, general, 43-45, 50. Blasio, Jose L., " Maximiliano Inti- mo ", reviewed, 927. Bloch, Camille, " Collection de Docu- ments Inedits sur I'Histoire ficono- mique de la Revolution ", reviewed by J. H. Robinson, 373. Blok, P. J., " Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Volk ", Vol. vii., re- viewed by W : E. Griffis, 890. Blondel, 230. Boehmer. Johann Friedrich, (ed.) " Codex Diplomaticus Moenofranco- furtanus ", Vols. i. and 11. (Fried- rich Lau), reviewed by E. W. Dow, 354. BoLLiNG, G: M., (R) Jackson's "Per- sia Past and Present ", 602. Bolton, Herbert E., (R) Garcia's " Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza ", 425- Bonaparte, Joseph, 44. Bonn, Moritz Julius, " Die Englische Kolonisation in Irland ", reviewed by E : P. Cheyney, 123. " Books, Culture and Character ", by J. N. Lamed, reviewed, 687. BoRGEAUD, C:, (R) Doumergue's "Jean Calvin", Vol. iv., 127; (R) Seip- pel's " Les Deux Frances", 133. Boroughs, Mortmain in Medieval, by C. Gross, 733-742. Bosc, Henri, " Les Droits Legislatifs du President des fitats-Unis ", re- viewed by J: H. Latane, 178. Bouille, Marquis de, " Souvenirs ", reviewed by F. M. Fling, 924.

  • AM. HIST. REV. VOL. XII. — 63

Bourgeois, fimile, " Rome et Napoleon HL", reviewed by W : R. Thayer, Bourne, Annie Nettleton, (trans.) " Voyages and Explorations of Sam- uel de Champlain ", reviewed, 424. Bourne, E ; Gaylord, (ed.) " Voyages and Explorations of Samuel de Champlain ", reviewed, 424 ; (ed.) " The Northmen, Columbus and Ca- bot ", reviewed by C. R. Beazley, 654; (R) Young's "Christopher Co- lumbus and the New World of his Discovery ", 656. Bourne, H: E., paper by, 494; (R) Pionnier's " Essai sur I'Histoire de la -Revolution a Verdun", 636. Bowen, C. W., 504. Bowman, Hervey M., (R) Salomon's "William Pitt der Jimgere ", 886. Bradby, G. F., " The Great Days of Versailles", reviewed by J. B. Per- kins, 883. Breasted, James, H., (ed.) "Ancient Records of Egypt ", reviewed by C. Johnston, 858. Brehier, Louis, " L'figlise et I'Orient au Moyen Age ", reviewed by D. C. Munro, 608. Brewster, H. P., 68, 69. Bridges, J. H., " Sociological Papers ", Brigham, Albert P., " From Trail to Railway through the Appalachians ", reviewed, 928. Brigham, Clarence S., paper by, 498 ; (R) Ellis and Morris's " King Philip's War", 696. " British Officer ", The Literature of the South African War, iSgg-igo2. 299-321- British Parliamentary Debates in the Eighteenth Century, French Reports of, by P. Mantoux, 244-269. British Treaty. Edmund Randolph on the, 1795, (doc.) 587-599- Broderick, Major-general, 48. Brodrick. G: C, "History of England, 1801-1837", reviewed by R. C. H. Catterall, 139. Broglie, count de, 252. Brown, Alexander, death, 441. Brown, H : J., (ed.) Stevens's " Report

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