Index ■ Outc rie of the Civil W; 907 "Anjou, au XP Siecle, Le Comte d' ", by Louis Halphen, reviewed, 918. "Anjou et des Seigneurs d'Amboise. £tude sur les Chroniques d' ", by Louis Halphen, reviewed, 919. . " Antiquities, Catalogue of Egyptian ", by Garret C. Pier, reviewed, 915. " Appeal to Arms ", by James K. Hos- mer, reviewed, 907. Argall, S:, captain, 519. Arkansas Historical Association. " Pub- lications ", Vol. I., reviewed. 934. Arnold, Matthew, 225. Arnold, W : T., " Studies of Roman Imperialism ", reviewed by F. F. Ab- bott, 351; "The Roman System of Provincial Administration ", reviewed by F. F. Abbott, 9i5- Assereto, Ugo, 273n, 275. 277. Atkinson, C. T.. (ed.) " Letters and Papers relating to the First Dutch War ", reviewed, 420. Attitude of Thactdeiis Stei'etis toward the Conduct of the Civil War, by J. A. WooDBURN, 567-583 ; with respect to slavery, 568-573 ; the constitution, 573-577 ; status of seceded states. 578-582. Audubon, John W., "Audubon's West- ern Journal ", reviewed by E. E. Sparks. 149. Audubon, Maria, (introd.l " Audubon's "Western Journal", 149. Aumale. duke of, 12. Austin, Stephen F., 805. Austria, Friedjung's, " Der Krimkrieg und die osterreichische Politik ", reviewed. 894. Avery, Elroy McKendree, " History of the United States", Vol. 11., re- viewed by V: R. Shepherd, 657. Babcock, Kendric C :, "Rise of Ameri- can Nationality ", reviewed by M. S. Brown, 158. Bacon, Edwin M.. " The Connecticut River ", reviewed by K. M. Cone, 693- Bacon, Francis, 517, 527, 528. Bagot, W:. 13. Bain, J., 78. Baird, Henry M., death. 442. Baldwin-, James F., The Privy Council of the Time of Richard II., 1-14. Baldwin. Simeon E., Religion still the Key to History (address), 219-243. Ballagh, James C, (R) Hart's " Slav- ery and AboHtion, 1831-1841 ", 902. " Baptist Councils in America ", by W : H : Allison, reviewed, 427. Barillon, Marquis de, 245, 246. 249, 257- Barker, Euge.ne C, President Jackson and the Texas Revolution, 788-809. Barker, J. Ellis, " The Rise and Decline of the Netherlands ", reviewed, 922. Barry. 225. Bassett, J : S., " The Federalist Sys- tem ", reviewed by W. ^. Ford. 155 ; (R) Oliver's "Alexander Hamilton", 398. Bastet. 245. Bate. J:, 743. 744- Bateson, Mary, death, 443. Battersby, Prevost. 304. Beard. C : A., " Introduction to the English Historians ", reviewed by C : T. Wyckoff, 416; (R) Berard's "La France et Guillaume IL", 895. Beazlev, C. Raymond, (R) Olson's and Bourne's " The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot", 654; (Introd. to Doc.) Directorium ad Faciendum Passa- giiini Transmarinum, 808-811; "The Dawn of Modern Geography ", Vol. III., reviewed by E. L. Stevenson, 869. Becker, Carl, (Ri Keys's " Cadwal- lader Colden ", 696. Becket, Thomas, 733. Beecher, H: V., 547, 560, 564. Beer. G: L.. paper by. 497. Begon. Michel. 21-23, 37- ■■ Belfiore, I Martiri di, e il loro Pro- cesso ", by Alessandro Luzio, re- viewed, 644. Bemont. C: "Roles Gascons", re- viewed. 169. Berard. Victor, " La France et Guil- laume II.", reviewed by C: A. Beard, 89s. Bermuda Company, 514. Bessieres. 43. 44. 51.