AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW VOLUME XII 'The, ofc ■ibulo <iaU capilals Abbot, A. H., 554-556. Abbott. Frank T., (R) Arnold's " Studies of Roman Imperialism ", 351: (R) Arnold's "The Roman System of Provincial Administra- tion", 915. Abbott, Wilbur. C, (R) Paul's "His- tory of Modern England ", Vol. v., 385. Acton, J : Emerich E., baron, " Cam- bridge Modern History ", Vols, ix., IV., reviewed, 135, (>-T- "Lectures on Modern History ", reviewed by G. S. Ford, 621. Adams, G: B., 491-492, 504. Adams, J :, 542. 776. Adams, J : Q., 788, 794. 798, 800-802. Adams, S :, 533. Adams, Wirt, 67. African Company, 513. Alaman, Lucas, 791, 792, 796. Alcmene (vessel), 40. Alexander, De Alva S.. " PoHtical His- tory of State of New York ", re- viewed, 152. "Alexandria government", 578. " Algernon Sidney " papers, by Spencer Roane, 782, 784- Allison, W: H:, "Baptist Councils in America ", reviewed, 427. Almonte, general, 293. " Amboise, £tude sur les Chroniques des Comtes d'Anjou et des Seigneurs d' ", by Louis Halphen, reviewed. 919. America, Jameson's " Original Narra- tives ", Vols. I., III., II., reviewed, 654, 692. 926 : Young's " Christopher Co- lumbus ", reviewed, 656. " American Biography, Conspectus of ", by G : Derby, reviewed, 926. American Economic Association, meet- ing, 483. American Historical Association, Meet- ing of the, at Providence, 483-506 ; appropriation for printing, 501 ; re- ports of Treasurer and of Pacific Coast Branch, 502 ; reports of com- mittees and commissions, 502-503 ; list of officers and committees, 504- 506. " American Nation, The ", by Albert Bushnell Hart, Vols, xi., xii., xiii., XIV., XV., xvi.. xvn., xviii., xix., xx., XXI., reviewed, 155, 158, 162, 164, 673. 675, 677. 902, 907- " American Political Science Associa- tion, Proceedings of the ", reviewed, 412 ; meeting, 483. American Revolution, Sovereignty in . the, by C. H. Van Tyne, 529-545- American Sociological Society, meet- ing, 483. " Americana ", by Karl Lamprecht. re- viewed. 432. Amery. L. S.. 315. Ames. Herman '.. 493 ; (R) Sharpless's "Quakerism and Politics", 148; (R) Haynes's " Election of Senators ", 400. " Ancient History, Outlines of ", by W: C. Morey, reviewed, 437- " Ancient Records of Egypt ", by J. H. Breasted fed.), reviewed, 858. Andrews, C : M.. 322. 327. Andrews, E. B :, (R) Hosmer's "The Appeal to Arms", 907; (R^ Hos- I)