970 Notes and A^ews
The leading article in the May number of the American Political Science Rei'iciv is: "' Responsible Government in the British Colonial System ", by Stephen Leacock. The paper deals with the circumstances under which the right of self-government was acquired by the Province of Canada, and is concerned chiefly with the period from 1838 to 1849. Mr. VV. F. Ganong's Additions and Corrections to his monographs on place-nomenclature, cartography, historic sites, evolution of boundaries, and settlement-origins of the Province of New Brunswick has appeared as a reprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (Ottawa. 1906. pp. 157, viii). .There is added also a title-page, preface, and table of contents to the entire series. Dr. Hiram Bingham has returned from his six-months trip in South America the purpose of which was announced in these columns in January. Together with Dr. Hamilton Rice, F.R.G.S., who accom- panied him throughout the trip, he spent ten days on CralX Island in locating the exact spot where the Scots Darien Colony landed in 1698, and then proceeded to Caracas where some time was spent in examining a valuable collection of books and other material on South American history, the greater part of which Dr. Bingham was able to acquire. From Caracas they went to Valencia and spent over a week in survey- ing the battle-fields of Carabobo. From this point to Bogota the trip was made on mules and the party followed the route taken by Bolivar during the wars of liberation. In addition to much topographical data Dr. Bingham was able to secure about 3,000 volumes and pamphlets and the expedition may well be regarded as of first importance for the study of South American history in the United States. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: Thomas Chalmers, Congregational Churches in A'r-i' Hampshire (Granite State Magazine, February) ; J. P. Hoskins, German Influence on Religions Life and Thought in America- during the Colonial Period (The Princeton Theological Review, Janu- ary, April) ; G. F. H. Berkeley. The History of the French Canadians and its Lesson, II. (Westminster Review, May) ; Ida M. Tarbell. The Tariff in our Times (running in the American Magazine); Morris Schal?, The Spirit of Old West Point (Atlantic. April, May, June); Captain A. T. Mahan, Our Navy Before the War of Secession (Har- per's, May) ; J. V. Quarles, Abraham Lincoln (Putnam's Monthly, April); D. H. Bates, Lincoln in the Telegraph Office: Recollections of the United States Military Telegraph Corps (Century, May, June) ; John S. Barnes, With Lincoln from JVashington to Richmond in 1863 (Appleton's Magazine, May).