A??ierica 969
A document of interest is the diary of John E. Howell, an emigrant from Missouri to Oregon in 1845. The reprint of George Wilkes's " History of Oregon, Geographical and Political " is continued. Internal Taxation in the Philippines, by John S. Hord, Collector of Internal Revenue in the Philippine Islands, appears as no. i of Series XXV. of the Johns Hopkins University Studies. The author sketches briefly the old system, the introduction of the new law of 1903, and analyzes the results. Antonio De JNIorga's History of the Philippine Islands, edited by J. A. Robertson, is announced by the Arthur H. Clark Company for separate issue. Agiiinaldo et les Philippins (" Les Hommes de Revolution") by M. Henri Turtot, with preface by ^I. Jean Jaures. has recently appeared (Paris, 1906, Leopold Cerf). By a recent Order in Council of the Canadian government the " His- torical Manuscripts Commission of Canada " has been instituted. It is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, of which department the Cana- dian archives have always formed a part. Its members are appointed by that Minister, who, together with the Archivist of the Dominion, is ex officio a member. There are to be seven other members, of whom five have been appointed: Professors Charles W. Colby of McGill, George M. Wrong of Toronto, and Adam Shortt of Queens University, Mr. Joseph fidouard Roy, and the Abbe Gosselin. The function of the com- mission are to advise with the minister as to collection, care, custody, and publication of historical materials relating to Canada. The newest number of the Harvard Historical Studies is The Seig- norial System in Canada: a Study in French Colonial Policy, by W. B. Munro. The Quebec Landmark Commission, consisting of Messrs. F. Lange- lier, E. E. Tache. and William Weed, has published its first report, bear- ing date December 22. 1906. the principal recommendation of which is that the territory between Wolfe's Cove and the citadel be permanently reserved as a park, commemorating the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. It is earnestly to be hoped that the recommendation will be carried out. As is well known, the present reservation does not embrace the battle- field, the site of which has been definitely determined only within recent years. Most of the territory to be included within the proposed park is already public land, and the principal obstacles appear to be the jail, unfortunately built a few feet from the spot where Wolfe died, and a rifle factory, marking ]Montcalm's left. It is urged that these be re- moved to other locations, thus making possible the preservation almost in its original condition of one of the most striking battle-fields of the world. IFihnot and Tilley, by James Hannay, is a new volume in " The Makers of Canada" series (Toronto. Alorang and Co.).