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Papers; and also the papers of Moses M. Strong (about 230 volumes), relating chiefly to the settlement of Wisconsin, but also containing po- litical documents of historical value. There are several articles of in- terest in the volume, among which may be mentioned " Marquette's Au- thentic Map Possibly Identified", by Louise P. Kellogg: " Habitat of the Winnebago, 1632-1832 ", by P. V. Lawson; "The Founding of Mil- waukee ", by E. S. Mack. The Wisconsin Historical Society is issuing a special series of vol- umes of Colonial and Revolutionary documents contained in the Draper collection in the society's possession. The matter of selecting and editing is done by Secretary Thwaites and his editorial staff, but the cost of printing is borne by the Wisconsin Chapter of the Sons of the Amer- ican Revolution. The first volume, Documentary History of Dunmore's War (1774), edited by Dr. Thwaites and Dr. Louise Phelps Kellogg, was published two years ago. The second, to be published next winter, will be entitled The Revolution on the Upper Ohio. The documents of which the volume will be made up, largely letters and reports of the militia officers in the outlying forts to the commandant at Fort Pitt, and his orders and replies, will illustrate Revolutionary movements in the Pittsburgh region and western Virginia. A third volume in this series will cover the militia operations from 1775 until the summer of 1778, when a body of regulars was sent from the East to aid the frontiersmen in the desperate struggle to hold their line. The Wisconsin legislature has passed an act authorizing any state official to deposit permanently with the Wisconsin Historical Society, in the latter's capacity as trustee for the state, any records or archives not specifically required by law to be retained in the office of such official as a part of the public records. The society is required to classify and arrange the material so as to make it available for public use, and also, on application of any citizen of Wisconsin, to furnish certified copies of any document. The General .Assembly of Iowa, before its adjournment in April, 1907, appropriated $12,000 for the care and preservation of the public archives for the biennial period from July, 1907 to July, 1909, and added $4,500 to the permanent annual support of the State Historical Society of Iowa. Mr. John C. Parish has been appointed assistant editor for the society. Under the auspices of the State Historical Society of Iowa the fiftieth anniversary of the constitution of Iowa was celebrated at Iowa City, March 19 to 22. Addresses delivered were: " A Written Constitu- tion in Some of its Historical Aspects ", by Professor A. C. McLaughlin: " The Relation between General History and the History of Law ", by Eugene Wambaugh : " The Romance of Mississippi Valley History ", by Dr. R. G. Thwaites: "The Constitutional Convention and the Issues before it ", by Emlin McClain, justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa.