956 Notes and News
Mr. Robert W. Xeeser has in preparation, and in part ready for publication, A Statistical and Chronological History of the United States Navy, lyj^-igoy. It is in six parts: (i) administration of the Navy Department, and events and dates of reference; (2) engagements, expeditions, and captures of war vessels; (3) captures of merchantmen; (4) record of service and fate of each vessel; (5) statistical tables; (6) privateers. Confederate Navy, and state navies. An important part of the work will be a bibliography of all the publications by the govern- ment bearing on naval history, and of other printed material, and a com- plete inventory of the archives of the Navy Department together with an account of the naval material in other archives. Each event listed is accompanied by references to all printed and manuscript material bearing on it. The Magasine of History prints in its January, February, and March issues a number of letters from Washington to George and James Clinton. In the January number is printed also " The battle between the Kearsarge and the Alabama ", an address delivered in January 1906 before the Union League of Philadelphia, by Rear Admiral Joseph A. Smith, U. S. N., said to be the last survivor of that battle. In the Feb- ruary and March number A. Franklin Ross presents two installments of a paper on " The History of Lotteries in New York ". The American Historical Magazine in its March issue continues its articles on " The Van Rensselaer Family " and " The Physical Evolution of New York City in a Hundred Years ". A very suggestive paper in this issue is " Some Lessons of History ", by James Ford Rhodes. Charles Scribner's Sons have just brought out, under the auspices of the Navy League of the United States, A Short History of the American Navy, by John R. Spears. In the series of " Biographies of Leading . iericans ", which Messrs. Henry Holt and Company are publishing, the volumes on the " Lead- ing Historians " will be edited by Professor W. P. Trent, the general editor of the series. The annual meeting of the American Jewish Historical Society will be held at Newport, Rhode Island, July 4. A new volume in the " Citizens' Library " (The Macmillan Company) is: The Spirit of American Government : A Study of the Constitution — • Its Origin, Influence and Relation to Democracy, by J. Allen Smith. The inventory of the archives of the hopital of Honfleur, recently published in the series of Inventaires Sommaircs des Archives Dc- partmcntales (Calvados, serie H, supplem., t. II.) includes an analysis of the private papers of the Lion family, an important family of priva- teers of this port, whose commercial correspondence is full of interest for the history of maritime relations between the principal ports of the mother-country and the French colonies of .merica, especially for Santo Dorningo.