America 955
Noteworthy articles in periodicals: J. B. Bury, The Ceremonial Book of Constantine Porphyrogennetos (English Historical Review, April); G. Cahen, Les Relations de la Ritssie avec la Chine et les Peupladcs Limitrophcs a la Fin du XVII. Si'eele et dans le Premier Quart du XVIII. (Revue Historique, May-June); P. Hiltebrandt, Die Polnische Kbnigswahl von i6gj und die Konversi'on Augusts des Starken (Ouellen und Forschungen, X. i) ; G. Yakschitch. La Russie et la Porte Ottomane dc 1812 a 1826, concl. (Revue Historique, March-April) ; A.-D. Xenopol, Le Regne du Prince Alexandre lean I. (Cousa), traitc d'aprcs la Mcthode des Scries Historiques (Revue de Synthese Historique, December); V. G. Simkhovitch, History of the School in Russia (Educational Review, May). AMERICA general' ITEMS Leaflet No. 4 of the American Bureau of Industrial Research is a report of work for 1904-1906. The Bureau has been engaged for the most part in locating, collecting, and classifying material bearing upon the history of industrial democracy. Not only have libraries been ransacked, but a careful search has been carried on for materials at the headquarters of trade unions, employers' associations, and the like, and also in private hands. The general survey of the field has been made by J. R. Commons. Miss Helen L. Summer has been engaged in locating the materials in libraries, while J- B. Andrews has conducted a very successful search for materials in private hands, much of which has been turned over to the Bureau. A somewhat special field, that of the Southern states, has been in charge of U. B, Phillips, who has secured much material in the way of plantation records, private corre- spondence, and fugitive pamphlets. A collection of the documentary material is to be printed through the co-operation of the Carnegie In- stitution and the University of 'isconsin. Dodd, Mead and Company, who have had in preparation for some time a catalogue of the library of Mr. E. Dwight Church, announce for early issue as Part I. a complete catalogue of the American portion of the library. The library contains many rare volumes of Americana, including a number of works printed before 1500, and several Columbus and Yespucius letters. There are complete sets of the great collections of voyages and travels, and a large number of early works relating to New France, to 'irginia, and to New England. The Library of Congress has published a Preliminary Check List of American Almanacs, id^Q-igoo (pp. 160), prepared by Hugh Alex- ander Morrison of the Library of Congress. This list, says the com- piler, "is a contribution toward a checklist, and is put into type for the purposes: (i) Of inviting additional titles, and (2) of enabling the Library of Congress to perfect its own files ". The whereabouts of copies listed is indicated when known to the compiler.