954 Notes and News
In No. i8 of the IVcrken of the Utrecht Historical Society, third series. Professor G. N. Kernkamp has begun the publication of the letters of John de Witt, based upon the great collection of Wittiana made by Professor Robert Fruin. The portion of the statesman's correspondence published in 1729 embraced only the years 1652-1669, and was incom- plete even for that period. No. 21 (1907, pp. civ, 574) contains the Diarium Z'an Arcnd ran Buchcll of Utrecht (1565-1641) including his autobiography and memoirs of the principal events of his time. Court Life in the Dutch Republic, i6j8-i68g (New York, Dutton, pp. ix, 363) is an entertaining contribution to social history by the Baroness Suzette van Zuylen van Nyevelt. Professors L. Leclere and G. des Marez of the University of Brussels have published in the Revue de I'Universitc de Bruxelles for March- April, 1907, pp. 401-464, and in separate form, a study of the historical, professorial, and political activities of their late colleague Leon Vander- kindcre, i842-igo6. The monograph includes a bibliography of Pro- fessor Vanderkindere's works, arranged according to subject, and thus clearly indicating the remarkable range of his interests as well as his great productivity. A collection of the minor writings of Professor Vanderkindere has recently been undertaken. NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE A small club of scholars and bookmen, called Mikaelsgillet, has undertaken to prepare a Swedish version (the first in that language) of Olaus Magnus's Historia de Gcntibus Septentrionalihus (Rome, 1555). The first volume of the translation has just appeared. It will occupy three volumes ; a fourth will consist of illustrative notes by some of the foremost Swedish scholars. A translation of a German book by Richard von Mach on The Bul- garian Exarchate : its History and the Extent of its Authority in Turkey has recently been published by Mr. Unwin. Reports on the work of the Roumanian Academy in 1905-1906 (Bucharest, typ. Gobi, 1906, pp. 58) announce the commencement of an edition of the second volume of the Bibliographic Rouinaine An- ciciine {i^o8-i8jo) . of which the first two fascicles cover the years 1717-1763; the printing of the first volume of the catalogue of Rou- manian manuscripts; of the first fascicle of Documents Historiqucs Rouniains, 154 pieces of the years 1576-1628; and of the tenth and last volume of the series of Acts and Documents relative to the history of the revival of Roumania. The studies in diplomatic history published by P. Pierling under the title La Russia et Ic Saint-Siege (Paris, Plon, 1907) treat of Peter the Great, the Sorbonne, the Dolgorouki. the Due de Liria and Jube de la Cour.