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Field Marshal von Loe's Evinncrxmgcn aus iiiciiu-ii Bcnifslcbcn. 184Q bis 186/ (Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt) is especialh- valuable for the light it throws on the military situation in 1866. Oskar v. Mitis has published the first fascicle of his Stiidicii cum dlteren Ostcrreichischen Urkundemvcscn ( 'ienna, Verein fiir Landes- kunde von Niederosterreich, pp. yy). The first volume of J. A. von Helfert's Gcschichtc dcr Oster- rcichischcn Revolution iui Zusaiu)ncnhan<g uiit dcr Mittclcuropdischen Bcivegung der Jahrc 184S-1S40 (Berlin. Herder. 1907, pp. xx. 536) extends to the Austrian constitution of April 25, 1848. A second volume will complete the work. The labors of the commission on the Roman Limes in Germany and Austria are well known. In the Memoirs of the Hungarian Academy, Gabriel Teglas, who has long been studying the part of the Limes situ- ated in Hungary, sums up the results obtained by the Germans and Austrians and appeals to the Hungarian Academy and government to interest themselves in the research. To replace the Katholisclic Sclfivci::crbliittcr, the publication of which ceased in 1905, the Swiss Catholic Association has founded the quarterly Zcitschrift fiir Sclnveizerischc Kirchcngcschichte (Stans. H. von Matt) which will be concerned with the whole of the ecclesiastical history of Switzerland. The review is published by Monsignor J. P. Kirsch and M. A. Biichi, professors at Freiburg. Documentary publications: Codex Diplomaticus Rcgni Croatiae, Dal- matiae, et Slavoniae, IV. (1236-1255) (Agram, Trpinac, 1906): K. F. Schmidt-Lotzen, Dreissig Jahre am Hofe Friedrichs des Grossen [from the diaries of Count Ernst Ahasverus Heinrich von Lehndorff, court chamberlain of Queen Elisabeth Christine of Prussia] (Gotha. Perthes, 1907, pp. iv, 522). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: R. Markgraf. Der Eiufluss der Juden auf die Leipziger Messcn in Friiherer Zeit. I. ( .rchiv fur Kul- tur-Geschichte, V. 2) ; A. Nagle, Hat Kaiser Ma.rimiliau I. im Jahre 150/ Papst zvcrden zvollen? (Historisches Jahrbuch. XXTII. i); L. Cardauns, Zur Kirchcnpolitik Hcrzog Georgs von Sachsen vornehmlich in Seincn letsten Regicrungsjahren (Ouellen und Forschungen, X. l) ; G. Guillot. Leopold I'^ ct sa Cour (1681-1684), d'apres la Correspond- ance Diplomatique du Marquis de Sebeville, Envoye Francais a la Cour de rienne (Revue des Questions Historiques, April); H. Oncken, Aus den Brief en Rudolf von Bennigsens. XX'., XX VL (Deutsche Revue, April, May). NETHERLANDS AND BELGIUM The principal works relating to the history of the Netherlands published from 1902 to 1906 are reviewed by Th. Bussemaker in the Revue Historique for March-April.