952 Notes and News
A history in two large volumes of Lc R'cgnc dc Charles III. d'Espagne by M. Franqois Rousseau, has been published by the house of Plon- Nourrit, Paris. Documentary publications: E. Caspar, Die Chronik von Tres Tabernae in Calabrien (Quellen und Forschungen, X. i) ; Due de la Tremoille, Madame des Ursins et la Succession d'Espagne : Fragments de Corrcspondance, vol. VI. (Paris, Champion, 1907, pp. 388). Noteworthy articles in periodicals: L. Jordan, Die Renaissance in Piacenza (Archiv fiir Kultur-Geschichte, V. 2) : R. M. Johnston, A Memoir of Queen Mary Caroline of Naples (English Historical Review, April) ; Andrew D. White, The Statesmanship of Caz'our (Atlantic Monthly, March, April ) ; G. Desdevises du Dezert, De Trafalgar a Araujuec (i8ofi-l8o8), concl. ( Cultnra Espanola, February). GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND Aus der Zeit des Huuianismus, by E, Borkowsky (Jena, Diederichs, pp. 250), contains studies of ten typical men of the German Renaissance, Diirer, Erasmus, Celtis, etc., and of two typical cities — Nuremberg and Augsburg. Deutsche Kultur iin Zeitaltcr des 50 jdhrigen Kriegcs (Leipzig, Seeniann, 1906, pp. X. 464) by B. Haendcke. Professor of the History of Art in the University of Konigsburg, is a contribution to the history of the seventeenth century covering a period considerably longer than 1 618-1648. Since the beginning of the year there has appeared a new series of Studien sur Gcschichte des Neneren Protestantismus (Giessen, A. Topel- mann), edited by Dr. H. Hoffmann and L. Zscharnack. Heft i relates to Die Bedeutung der Dcutschcn Aufkldrung fiir die Entwicklung der Historisch-Kritischen Thcologie, by L. Zscharnack; Heft 2, Die Ethik Pascals, by K. Bornhausen; while later hefte will treat of Spalding, Herder, Schleienuachcr, liy H. Stephan ; Kircheulied und Gesangbuch in der Zeit der Deutscheii Aufkldrung. Ratioiialistische Liedertexte, by L. Zscharnack ; Die Deutsche Predigt ini Zeitalter des Rationalisnms, by M. Schian: and Kants EinHuss auf die Thcologie, by P. Kalwett. Another collection, Kultur und Katholisismus (Munich, Kircheim) is appearing under the direction of Professor Martin Spahn. Mr. F. Loraine Petre, the author of a valuable work on Napoleon's campaign in Poland, now publishes Napoleon's Conquest of Prussia, 1806 (London, John Lane, 1907. pp. xxiii, 311), which is believed to contain the first detailed account of the campaign of Jena written in English since the pulalication of the official documents in the French War Office. Die Freie Presse in Sachsen-lVeimar von den Freiheitskriegen bis su den Karlsbadcr Beschliissen (1907, pp. ix, 87), by Dr. Hans Ehren- treich, forms a recent number in the Hallcsche Abhandlungen zur Neueren Gcschichte (Halle, Niemeyer), edited by G. Droysen.