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Italy and Spain 951

Mr. Murray announces for publication Studies in I'cnctian Historv by Mr. Horatio F. Brown. The Societa Xazionale per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano, whose organization was noted in the January number of the Review (p. 456), has published the Schcimi di Statiito (Milan, Lanzani. 1907. pp. 15) ap- proved in the session of the first historical congress of the Risorgimento held last November. The Reale Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Province e la Lombardia has recently initiated a new series. Bibliotcca di Storia Italiana Rccente, 1800-1850. of which the first volume contains two important studies: Ancddoti Docwncntati sulla Ccnsura in Piemonte dalla Rcstaurazione alia Costitusionc, by Antonio Manno, dealing with the censorship of the press in Piedmont from 1815 to 1848 and containing many unpublished documents; and Alcuni Episodi del Risorgimento Italiano lUustrati con Lcttcrc c Memorie Incditc del Generate Marchesc Carlo Emanuclc Ferrero Delia Marmora, Principe di Masserano, by Mario degli Alberti, relating to the years 1848-1849. Mr. G. M. Trevelyan. the well-known author of England in the Age of IVyctiffe, England under the Stuarts, etc., has published through Longmans a volume entitled Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic, written in the brilliant style characteristic of the author, based upon a detailed study of manuscript and printed authorities, and supplied with seven maps and numerous illustrations. MM. Ch. de Lannoy and H. 'an der Linden have published the first volume of their L'Histoire de I'Expansion Coloniale des Peuples Euro- peens, which won the prize offered by the king of Belgium. This first volume, Portugal et Espagne jusqu'au debut de X/A'*' Siecle (Brussels, Lamertin, 1907, pp. 451, and four maps), does not aim at giving a his- tory of the colonies themselves, but deals with the phases of expansion, administration of the colonies, the economic regime, Portuguese and Spanish civilization in the colonies, and the results of civilization for the mother countries. Professor Konrad Habler will contribute to Lamprecht's series of Allgemeine Staatengeschichte a Geschichte Spaniens unter den Habs- burgen. The first volume. Geschichte Spaniens unter dcr Regierung Karls I. (/'. ) (Gotha. Perthes, 1907, pp. 432). has already appeared. Un Voyage d' Affaires en Espagne en lyiS (Strassburg, Noiriel, pp. 67) contains new extracts published by M. R. Reuss from the unedited memoirs of Jean 6verard Zetzner, of Strassburg. and throws light on the dangers of travel, on the private life of Spain, the operations of the Inquisition, and the details of commerce and lianking. Extracts form- erly published from the same work appeared in brochures under the titles Idyllc Norvegiennc d'un Negociant Strasbonrgcois and Londres et I'Angletorc en ijoo.

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