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950 Notes and News

1907); P. de Vaissiere, Letters d' " Aristocrates" — La Revolution racontcc par des Corrcspondances Privees, ijSg-iygif. (Paris, Perrin, 1907) ; A. Stern, Lc Prince Louis Bonaparte et la Prince de Metternich en 1838 (Revue Historique, March-April). Noteworthy articles in periodicals : A. d'Herboniez, Philippe de I'alois et la hlaletote a Tournai (Le Moyen Age, March-April); H. See, Les Classes Rurales en Bretagne du Xi'I<^ Si'ecle a la Revolution, con., (Annales de Bretagne, November) ; C. Pfister, Xieholas Reiny et la Sorcelleric en Lorraine a la Fin du AT'/'" Siccle (Revue His- torique, March-April; May-June); J. Letaconnoux. La Question des Sitbsistances et du Commerce des Grains en France an XI'IIP Si^ccle: Travaux, Sources et Questions a Trailer (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, March) ; Ph. Sagnac, La Revolution et VAncien Regime (Revue de Synthase Historique, December) ; Ph. Sagnac, Les Cahiers de lySg et leirr Valcur (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contem- poraine, February) ; Goldwin Smith, The Lesson of the French Revolu- tion (Atlantic Monthly, April); I. H. Hersch, The French Revolution and the Emancipation of the Jeivs (The Jewish Quarterly Review, April ) ; J. V. Pflugk-Harttung, Napoleon zvdhrend der Schlacht bei Belle Alliance (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVKI. i); Ph. Gonnard. Les Im- pressions du Comte de Las Cases sur V Empire Francois en 181 2 (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, February). ITALY AND SPAIN The Prussian and Italian Historical Institutes in Rome are together bringing out a series of Regesta Chartarum Italiae (Rome, Loescher). The following volumes have appeared or are in preparation: Regestum Volaterranum by F. Schneider; Regestum S. Apollinaris Novi by V. Federici; Regestum Camaldutcnse, Regestum Senense and Regestum Massanum. J. C. K. Sismondi's celebrated History of the Italian Republics in the Middle Ages (New York, Button) has been entirely recast and supple- mented in the light of subsequent historical research in one large, inex- pensive and valuable volume by W. Boulting. In order to determine how far the Lombard institutions were main- tained or modified in Beneventum during the period from the Caro- lingian conquest to the arrival of the Normans, M. Rene Poupardin has brought together the scattered references to these institutions in his work on Les Institutions Politiques et Administratives des Principautcs Lombardes de I'ltalie Meridionale. IX'^-XI'^ Siccles (Paris, Champion, 1907, pp. vii, 184). The greater part of the volume is occupied with a catalogue of the Actes of the Princes of Beneventum and Capua, and with pieces justificatives. The Chronicle of Dino Compagni, translated by Else C. M. Benecke and A. G. Ferrers Howell, has been published in the series of Temple Classics (Dent, London).

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