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The Vicomte G. d'Avenel's work on Prcfrcs, Soldats ct Jugcs, sous Richelieu (Paris, Colin j, deals with the social organization of the period and the relations of church and state. Messrs. Scribner will shortly publish a translation of the Memoirs of the Comiesse de Boignc nee d'Osmond, reminiscences of the Revolu- tion, Empire and Restoration, of which the first volume (1781-1S14) has gone through five editions in France in less than that number of weeks. M.. Ernest Daudet, who two years ago published the Maiwires du Coitite Valentin Esterhasy, has now edited with an introduction and notes the Lettres du Comte Valentin Estcrhazy a sa Fcmme, iy84-ijg2 (Paris, Plon, 1907, pp. viii, 429), treating of social and military life in the last years of the monarchy ; of Versailles and the king and queen ; Coblentz and the emigres; and the Russian court and Catherine II. A superb album illustrating La Dernicre Annce de Marie-Antoinette (Paris, Welter, 1907) with facsimiles of sixty-three documents and prints of the period has been compiled by A. Marty. M. Maurice Tourneux has written the introduction. A Bibliographie de la Contrc-Revolution dans Ics Provinces de I'Ouest ou des Guerrcs de la Vendee ct de la Chouannerie (Paris, Champion) is being compiled by E. Lemiere. The second part of the history of La Campagne de 1794 a I'Armee du Nord (Paris, R. Chapelot), which is being published under the direc- tion of the historical section of the general staff of the French army, will treat of Operations. The first volume, dealing with the plan of campaign, the Cateau, and Landrecies, and embracing a large number of documents and charts, has been written by Colonel H. Coutanceau and C. de la Jonquiere (1907, pp. xiii, 817). Frederic Masson of the French Academy has published the eighth and ninth volumes of his work on Napoleon ct sa Famille. They treat of the abdication of Fontainebleu and of Napoleon's efforts to obtain provision for all the members of his family. M. E. Bonnal gives an account of the military reaction during the Restoration in his two volumes entitled Royalistes contre I'Armee (Paris, R. Chapelot, 1906). The French government has recently appointed a commission to undertake the publication of the documents relating to the diplomatic history of the Franco-German war of 1870-1871. The members of the commission are: MM. Aulard, fimile Bourgeois, Joseph Reinach, L. Farges and G. Mandel. Documentary publications: £. Deville, Carfulaire de i'Lglise de la Sainte-Trinitc de Beaumont-le-Rogcr (Paris, Roustan, 1907, pp. 500); E. Cable, Documents sur Ics Guerrcs de Religion dans le Sud-Ouest de la France et principalcment dans le Oucrcy (1516-1590) (H. Champion,