948 Notes and A^e7us
Noteworthy articles in periodicals: Rev. H. S. Cronin. The Ttvclvc Conclusions of the Lollards (English Historical Review, April) ; A. O. Meyer, Dcr Britische Kaisertitel sur Zcit dcr Stuarts (Quellen und Forschungen. X. I ) ; G. B. Hertz, England and the Ostend Company (English Historical Review, April) ; W. S. McKechnie, Thomas Mait- land (Scottish Historical Review, April) ; E. Dicey. England's Purchase of the Suez Canal Shares (The Empire Review, March). FRANCE In accordance with the recommendation of its committee on Archives, appointed last year, the Ministry of War has adopted new regulations very favorable to historians, concerning the communication to searchers of documents anterior to 1848, preserved in the military archives of Paris or of the provinces. Many documents of high interest, hitherto dispersed among the diverse services, have been turned over to the his- torical section of the general staff of the army, where they may be con- sulted in the ordinary manner. Inventories of the archives, of the technical sections of artillery, engineers, the army corps and of the military governments, and reports of military trials terminated before 1814 may be consulted by properly authorized persons. The Direction of Archives has undertaken an £tat Sonnnaire des Papiers de la Periode Rcvolutionnaire Conserves dans Ics Archives Departementales, to be completed in two volumes, embracing the papers included in class L (administrations of the department, districts and cantons). The municipal council of Paris has decided to publish a scientific history of the city of Paris from the Gallo-Roman epoch to the time of Philip Augustus. The enterprise will be directed by MM. P. de Patchtere (Gallo-Roman epoch), R. Poupardin (Merovingian and Carolingian epoch), and L. Halphen (the first Capetians). M. A. Grenier has published some studies on the development of Gallo-Roman civilization in a Gallic province, under the title Habitations Gauloiscs ct Villas Latines dans la Cite des Mediomatriccs (Paris, Champion, 1907). The volume forms fascicle 157 of the Bibliotheque de r ficole des Hautes fitudes. Cronique Martiniane (1907, pp. Ixxix, 133), the second number in the Bibliotheque du XV. Siecle (Paris, H. Champion), is an important text for the history of Charles VII. being a continuation by John the Clerk (who was in the service of Antoine de Chabannes. one of the most im- portant military figures of the reign) of the Cronique Martinienne, the French translation of the Latin chronicle of Martinus Polonus. The editor is M. Pierre Champion. The first part of Professor F. Strowski's Histoirc du Sentiment Religieux en France au XV 11^ Siecle (Paris, Plon) covers the period from Montaigne to Pascal.